• Navigating Life Anthology: Health, Grief & Loss

    From surviving Leukaemia to starting a new life in a new country,
    From dealing with the murder of a child to navigating church hurts,
    From motherhood at 40 to learning to live differently after a near fatal car accident…

    Comes a moving collection of real-life stories that follow the raw emotional and courageous stories of 13 women as they share how they’ve navigated the complexities of life. You won’t be able to put it down.

    A new compilation of stories, of how God brought purpose out of pain – 13 Authors share in their own words, how they navigated pivotal moments in their life in EVOLVE: A Navigating Life Anthology.

    List of Authors:
    Paulette Morgan In Sickness And In Health: Navigating Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

    Janet McNish Knocked Down Before Lockdown: Navigating The Unexpected

    Charmaine Dawkins-Alder From Debt To Freedom: Navigating Financial Literacy

    Faith Mathangani Loss of Mum: Navigating Legacy

    Doreen Douglas Unexpected Blessings: Navigating The Course Of Life

    Simone Scott-Sawyer From Pain To Promise: Navigating Endometriosis

    Pauline Mcfarlane The Pain Of Suspending Grief: Navigating Grief

    Precious Jason Finding New Life After Leukemia: Navigating My Diagnosis

    Glynis Brewster Reframing Loss: Navigating Loss And Acceptance

    Shireen Morrison How Pain Gave Way To New Life And New Ventures: Navigating Suffering To Success

    Anika-Adél Barnes Woman of Faith: Navigating Authenticity

    Denise H Lawrence From Pain To Purpose: Navigating Miscarriage And Church Hurts

    Jose Kalanda Navigating Life Without Him

  • Bu Me Bɛ: Proverbs of the Akans (Hardcover)

    Bu Me Bε: Proverbs of the Akans is the most extensive bi-lingual Twi Proverbs Dictionary published since JG Christaller’s A Collection of 3600 Twi Proverbs (1879). Kwame Anthony Appiah’s Introduction demonstrates how these proverbs can be interpreted within the tested and contested theories of meaning and literary production to show how they compare with philosophical musings from ancient Greece to England. To understand these proverbs, one needs to understand the culture from which they come. The matrilineal culture traces the familial lineage from the mother’s side hence the Akan saying that; ‘a child may resemble the father, but he has a family’ – the family being a reference to one’s mother and others within the mother’s bloodline.

    This is invaluable. Our languages cannot grow as literary languages unless we also develop tools that will enable their effective use. Our languages must be in dialogue with not only the languages of Europe but also those of Africa and Asia. This dictionary is an important step in that direction. – Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, Director, International Centre for Writing and Translation, University of California

    If language is a window to reality, then Appiah’s Bu Me Be may be justly described as an opening to an entire universe. This collection will be useful not only for linguists, but for anyone that takes Akan culture seriously, from anthropologists to historians, to cultural critics and even to modern-day product advertisers. It is a veritable treasure trove. – Ato Quayson, Director, Centre for Diaspora & Transnational Studies, University of Toronto

    An invaluable collection of some 7000 proverbs that speak to the depth and nuance of Akan and Asante life, thought, belief and social organisation. – Emmanuel Kwaku Acheampong, Professor of History and of African and African American Studies, Harvard University

    Key Selling Points

    • The bi-lingual arrangement makes this dictionary unique and user-friendly to non-Akan speakers. A specialist African language text that will be of interest to academics and students on African history and language courses.
    • An informed collection of over 7000 proverbs published over a century after Christaller’s book of 3600 proverbs was first published.
    • Appiah’s Introduction contextualises the nuanced meaning of the proverbs to reveal the wit and wisdom of the Akan language and how it compares with other world languages.
  • King Alboury Cooks the Best Jollof (Africa’s Little Kings & Queens)

    Age Range: 3 – 8 years

    A must-have for every child’s library. Loved by children around the world and teaches them the importance of kindness and community.

    King Alboury Cooks the Best Jollof is a fictional story inspired by King Alboury Ndiaye, the last King of the Jollof Kingdom in Senegal. A must-have for every child’s library.

    In this story, King Alboury loves to cook and his favourite meal to make is his famous jollof rice. His ancestors invented the recipe, and so he is the only one who knows the secret. However, King Alboury has a problem, his troublesome neighbours, the Chuchus people. Every time the King cooks his special Jollof rice, their tummies start to rumble so loud that they become jealous. Rumour has it that they are plotting against the Jollof Kingdom, but don’t worry, King Alboury has a plan!

  • The Butchers of Ogyakrom and Other Short Stories

    The Butchers of Ogyakrom is a collection of short stories dating back to the 1980s when Ghana was under the grip of a violent military dictatorship. Who are the real “Butchers in Ogyakrom” and what do they deal in?

    This collection deals with turbulent times in the history of Ghana, particularly the abuse of political power by military rulers. It also deals with the ailments that afflict a neocolonial African country in the era of IMF-led structural adjustment programme (SAP).

    What drives a nation’s rulers to seek the help of a devious and ambitious soothsayer? Who’s responsible for the numerous midnight abductions, murders and disappearances in Ogvakrom?

    What happens when a Prince ignores his father’s advice and joins forces with poor peasants fighting to defend their land? What does a mother do with a child who is half-snake, half human? Can the Catholic priest save this child?

    The stories employ candour, historical honesty and humour to take a swipe the at some of Ghana’s most recent (mis) rulers in times of crisis. It is bound to generate a keen interest, and, of course, controversy.

  • Unwrapped: The Story of a Shepherd Boy

    Unwrapped is a deep and sincere account of how one can not only live well but also carve out a very impressive career that contributes to a better world. Abraham Mnzava’s account of his life demonstrates how one can contribute to improving health and eventually alleviating poverty by hard work. Moreover, Unwrapped reminds us that the basis for success relies not only on skills and determination but on partnerships that bridge systems and cultures, though this should be coupled with a deep respect for ones’ roots.

    “If we do not know where we come from, we will not know where we are going to.”

    However, if we are too attached to the past, we cannot be open to the future. The insight into the life of Abraham Mnzava provided by Unwrapped offers hope for the future for many of us across the globe.

  • Appetite for Wealth: Taste of Fulfillment

    Recently I have observed with amazement the rate at which today’s youth have made money the reason for their existence. Greed, envy, jealousy, anger and pain have engulfed the world as a result of money. Society no longer cares about how people make their money. Honesty and integrity are thrown to the dogs. In these difficult times, the desire for personal fulfillment must be the driver of our decisions, not money and wealth. Contentment is the key that opens the gate to fulfillment. This book is born out of my personal experiences, insight and intelligence gained while working, walking and studying at the feet of giants.

    Writing in simple language with his readers in mind, Ato shares in this book that money is only important as a servant, and no matter where you are, you can take practical steps to create and command wealth. It is through our greatest struggles, pains, fears, insecurity, roadblocks and challenges that opportunities for wealth creation show up.

    Ato takes the reader on a journey towards wealth and fulfillment and shares inspirational and challenging stories that should motivate the reader to action.

  • LIVING BEYOND TODAY – Living Principles For Success Tomorrow

    Living Beyond Today is the result of a decade of research and personal experiences. In this book, Ato Sarpong charts a compelling path to your desired destination and freedom. He shares insights that help readers understand that respect for the future is demonstrated by a healthy insensitivity to the past.

    Readers will learn that life is the result of choices: to pursue your dream and achieve success, you need to be courageous, you must overcome fear, and you must face the future with enthusiasm. Through this book, Ato teaches that decisions shape destiny. To be an achiever, you have to be short in words, deep in thought, and heavy in action. This book is not about theories. Apart from writing about his personal successes, Ato has written about his mistakes and failures, and how he overcame them.

    Inspired by his audiences, and writing in simple language for all readers, Ato offers insight into a well-researched and well crafted solution to success.

    Living Beyond Today is packaged in three parts:

    • The six empowerment principles that impact behaviour and action
    • The five enablers of life that influence thought, focus and direction
    • The seven enrichment laws that drive results and shape destiny.

    This is an inspirational book full of stories and practical steps that should challenge readers to reconsider their current state and make a start on the journey to wealth, happiness and joy.

  • The Shrinking Bowl

    Young girls in Ghana confront a challenging socio-economic environment. This novel is the story of one such girl’s life-journey, from childhood to middle-age, and the lessons of this journey. It is a sequel to the author’s first novel, Journey.

    “A delightful lifeworld weighted with history and almost untouched in African fiction…a world whose veneer of simplicity belies its tangled dark underbelly. The novel deftly combines the solace of familiarity with a mystery of memory and intimacy…quirky and endearing.” – Professor Helen A. Yitah, Dean, School of Languages, University of Ghana (UG) and Honourary Secretary, Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences; former Head, Department of English, UG

    “This book is a tour de force of its genre; a journey of discovery through a cultural landscape in a fascinating part of Ghana. Difficult to put down even at the end.” – Nana Kwasi Gyan Apenteng, Communications Consultant; former President, Ghana Association of Writers

  • In Times Like These (Hardcover)

    In times of trouble and crisis, in looking for answers, we clutch at things that will give us some form of hope.

    In 2020, COVID-19 struck and with it came the psychological, social and financial strains.

    This inspirational book is filled with powerful, encouraging messages that address topics such as: repentance, trust, prayer, worship, giving, thanksgiving, pain, sorrow, anxiety, peace, joy as well as fear arising from the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

    The messages will help you to remain hopeful and cling to God in the challenging times.

  • Steps for the Progress of the Black Race: Guides for Black Man’s Redemption (Hardcover)

    The book talks about Black history and traces it to when Blacks were successful. The author shows how the current difficult condition of Blacks in the world is surmountable if they will do the right thing. That right thing is Blacks changing their behaviour for the better. The author believes that everybody’s condition in which he/she finds himself or herself can be changed if the necessary conduct is applied. The book encourages Blacks not to give up in the quest to make their conditions better.

    The narrative concludes with the biographies, inventions and achievements of some prominent Blacks across the ages and across the world.

  • Faith of Our Fathers: A Call to Contend for the Christian Faith

    A glance through the Bible reveals a call for God’s people not only to believe and live the gospel but also to safeguard the gospel and ensure that it is passed on to the next generation without distortion or contamination. Indeed, the fiercest battle of the Christian faith has been the battle against error and false teachers. It is against this background that God wants you to contend for the faith which was once and for all delivered to the saints. This book will help you do that effectively.

  • What every Christian should know about the Rapture

    The most spectacular event of all time is yet to hit the world. On that day, Jesus Christ shall appear in the sky, tombs and graves shall split open in response to His voice. On that day, those who have believed in Jesus Christ, shall be changed and be snatched from the earth. All these shall happen in the event called the Rapture. Get deeper understanding of the biblical teaching on the rapture and get yourself ready for the appearing of Jesus Christ

  • The Resurrection: The Myths, the Mystery and the Truth

    The evidence is compelling and indisputable. It is indeed the most fantastic fact of history. Its effects are far reaching for Christians, non-Christians and the whole of creation. The resurrection of Jesus Christ sets Christianity apart from all the other religions of the world. It is the seal and headstone of the great work of redemption, which Jesus came to accomplish.

    In this book, you will find answers to the many questions surrounding the reality of a life beyond the grave, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of believers in the last day. This book will also challenge you to look forward to the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Maame

    In Aakonu, a small village on the coast of Ghana, life is a constant tussle between the reality of the mundane and the superstitions presided over by the local priestess. In this setup, girls in their puberty can only look forward to marriage—often to men old enough to be their fathers and already with other wives. Ahu, a young widow of eighteen, has no choice but to marry an older relative. What she does will change girls in her lineage forever. Through these beautifully told, lyrical stories about herself, her daughter Bomo, the beautiful but tragic Ebela, and the childless Aso, and others, Ahu introduces us to her community, and the beliefs and customs that keep its families together but in the end also stifles its girls futures.


  • Aluta Insomnia

    This book of reflections is about a Ghana boy who travels within his country and around the world, sharing the anecdotes graciously. Whether it is a visit to see the US President at the White House or a trip to an Ada village called Totimehkope, each story is down a memory lane that is paved with nuggets of wisdom. The work showcases the beauty of being alive to the moral and developmental happenings around us. The author’s capacity to smell and milk story ideas from the most mundane scenario is remarkable.

    A neurosurgeon by profession, his words cut and heal clinically in equal measure. Page after page, he operates as in the theatre − precise, penetrating, productive. If you love the brilliance of Ernest Hemingway and Ayi Kwei Armah, you will never stop reading Teddy Totimeh.

    Sometimes, you do not know what you did right to be rewarded with a priceless gem. Aluta Insomnia is one such gift!

    Aluta Insomnia


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