• Quotes of Many Colours

    Just as Jacob gave Joseph a coat of many colours as a token of love, this book opens your eyes to the kaleidoscope of the Word of God and deepen your love relationship with God.

  • The Horns of the Altar

    A profound exploration of the deep spiritual symbolism and biblical narratives. Unveils the rich themes that connect these tribes to Christ.

  • Waltzing With the Devil

    In the pages of this book, the author recounts the harrowing experience of going through an abusive relationship; falling in love with and being at the mercy of a man she thought she would spend the rest of her life with.

  • The Live Baby Is Mine

    Age Range: 5- 15 years

    “The Live Baby Is Mine” is a dramatized version of King Solomon’s outstanding display of wisdom in solving problems. We learn that truthfulness is the key to life’s success.

  • Rich Man and Poor Man

    Age Range: 5- 15 years

    “Rich Man & Poor Man” walks the reader through the affluent and selfish lifestyle of the Richman, as well as the pitiful life of the poor man. The table turns when they both die and have to give accounts for their lives when they lived on earth. The book encourages the reader to live a life that pleases God. to love and be kind to the poor and needy.

  • Daniel: Faith Like Nobody’s Business

    It is a beautiful rehash of the book of Daniel. It evolves as an engaging walk through of Daniel’s guiding principles for winning the battle of faith.

    The reader is taken along on a privileged, intimate walk through of Daniel’s exemplary and legendary walk of faith and his diary of events – his life’s story and experiences – as documented in the book of Daniel. As the reader grants Daniel audience, he narrates the most deadly, yet beautiful faith story ever told. Daniel begins his story from his early days as a servant in King Nebuchadnezzar Palace and the numerous unpleasant encounters which ironically landed him in favorable positions instead.

    The popular Daniel in the Lions’ Den story is captivating as we hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. As the story unfolds, his strong faith in God is undeniably evident in his determination to stick with God, regardless of any danger or threat to his life – even to the point of death. Daniel continues to stand tall in the many trials, temptations and difficulties he endures as he works under the three leaders who ruled the Babylonian Kingdom in succession.

    We are enthralled as we observe Daniel beautifully waging and winning the war of faith… “like nobody’s business!”

  • Mighty That He Is: Rising above Life’s Challenges

    Mighty That He Is, is a compelling account of a young woman’s journey through severe health challenges starting from a very young age. Keziah Enyan struggled to understand her condition and cope with its effects. The medications she took to manage symptoms had significant physical and emotional effects on her, but her condition did not improve, for 11 long, excruciating years. Throughout this memoir, she shares how she relied on faith and resilience to keep moving forward without giving up. Undeterred by medical advice against it, she persevered through school, enduring the physical pain that wracked her body, driven by a will of steel to pursue her education. Each chapter explores how her health issues influenced her family dynamics and shaped her personal growth. It highlights the support she received from her parents, family, and spiritual mentors, who remained steadfast through every hardship. This memoir captures her painful emotional and spiritual development, molded by the fire of her tribulation. This poignant story weaves together the full spectrum of her day-to-day moments; moments of doubt,moments when faith wavered, moments of glorious communion with God, moments of blessed encouragement and hope, stories of rugged perseverance and hope. Mighty That He Is is far more than a narrative of struggles, it is a living testament to faith, endurance and God’s grace in the midst of adversity. This book in your hands aims to inspire you when you f ace life’s challenges, demonstrating that with faith and perseverance,you too can overcome life’s obstacles!

  • Eve: If I had Known

    The book adopts a conversational style with a monologue of the Bible character Eve.  In an engaging and interactive style of conversation, Eve invites us to hear her perspective and share in her life’s experiences. In a contemporary story-telling style, her life and purpose unfold for the reader. The journey begins with Eve’s entrance into the world, then to her meeting with her Prince Charming, right through to the brief fellowship with the serpent, culminating in the fall and the pain which ensued. As her single act of disobedience, her one grave mistake takes center stage, the life and purpose of Eve brings to light valuable lessons from which we can garner wisdom and learning.

    The guidance and direction offered, challenges us to strive to order our steps according to God’s good and perfect will as laid out in the immutable Word of the Lord.

  • Three Friends In The Burning Fire

    Age Range: 5- 10 years

    Her first children’s book titled THREE FRIENDS IN THE BURNING FIRE is adopted from the Book of Daniel in the Bible. In the story, the Bible character Daniel narrates the life story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednega and the burning fire experienced. The lesson derived is to remain faithful at all times.


  • Touched by His Grace: Autobiography of Prof. Sam Newton

    In “Touched by His Grace” the author states; “So many remarkable things have happened to me.  I am conscious of the grace of God in my life, hence the title of this book. My life has taken a tortuous path through success, disappointments, failures, discouragements, and uncertainties but I was very determined to make it and persevered, bouncing back after each setback. It is a genuine autobiography compiled with the assistance of a well-kept diary. The accounts it chronicles have not been subjected to any embellishments. It is a simple true testimony to the Grace of God”. This book is certainly a must read.

  • Woman Redefined: A Spiritual Journey to Unveil the Gem of Creation

    “Woman Redefined: A Spiritual Journey to Unveil the Gem of Creation” by Anthony Selom Dzadzra explores the essence of womanhood, revealing women as Divine Partners, guardians of strength and wisdom, and uniquely designed masterpieces. The book highlights women’s achievements throughout history and provides an exposition on Proverbs 31, guiding readers towards becoming a model woman of grace, strength, and virtue.

    The Guys’ Corner offers a unique perspective on harnessing women’s potential, challenging societal expectations and encouraging women to break free from limitations and expectations of the society. The author also highlights the concepts of “Woman You Are Not” and “Beautiful Women” and argues against the notion that women should conform to someone else’s expectations and celebrates them by emphasising that their beauty is not just skin deep but radiates from the inside out.

    The concept of the Combo is introduced, celebrating the multifaceted nature of every woman, and the author concludes the book with a powerful message of “Woman Thou Art Loosed,” encouraging women to break free, be themselves, and shine in all glory.

    “Woman Redefined” is an indispensable guide for those seeking to uncover the extraordinary gems within the heart and soul of every woman.



  • DISCIPLE SHIP: Maneuvering the Master’s Mega Mandate to Make Disciples of All Nations

    The church is busy. Very busy. But the myriads of meetings and conferences, programs and projects are only important to the extent that they contribute to the main reason for her existence: making disciples of Jesus Christ. The church is a vessel, a Disciple Ship, whose business and busyness are to discover, develop and deploy disciples; nothing more, nothing less. Disciple making is thus not one of the key activities of the church; it is the key, the main thing which everything must lead to and lead from, like the spokes of a hub. Unfortunately, due to a lack of proper understanding of this mega mandate and/or a lack of practical steps and processes, tips and tools for undertaking it, the mega mandate has largely become a mega miss, leading to a mega mess, of church and society. But no more! This vital book addresses both needs—Condition, Characteristics, Channels, Counterintuitive Conduct, Cardinal Components, Contraptions, and Conclusion of the Mega Mandate—with the hope that through it, deeply transformed people who will deeply transform society shall emerge, exponentially, everywhere, especially on the continent that hosts the highest number of people who identify as ‘Christian’ today. And from Africa, to the Rest, here comes Disciple Ship, a provocative memo to the church and a practical manual for her.

  • Talent & Purpose Maximization

    Each individual possesses unique talents and a distinct purpose. Success doesn’t demand genius; it requires the discovery and pursuit of your inherent abilities and life purpose. This book presents a systematic approach to identifying your talents and purpose, guiding you on how to maximize them. Drawing inspiration from numerous historical figures who successfully maximized their talents and fulfilled their purpose, the book provides compelling examples. Moreover, it outlines a clear pathway for making career choices that lead to life satisfaction.

  • Dare to Be Different

    Fornication typically refers to consensual sexual intercourse between individuals who are not legally married. In 2 Timothy 2:22, the Bible advises, “Flee also youthful lust, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”

    This book offers valuable tips and insights on how to maintain purity and avoid fornication. It provides practical guidance for those already involved in such behavior, offering a pathway to overcome it. Tailored to real-life situations, this book is highly recommended for young individuals in Junior High School, Senior High School, and universities, as well as for those who are unmarried. The content is equally relevant and beneficial for married individuals seeking to uphold purity and values in their relationships.


  • What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist

    This book is a real eye-opener for both Christians and non-Christians. It has lots of examples and instances from both the Bible and daily life matters. Throughout the book, Mrs. Doris Aidoo calls on all to serve God with their whole heart. It’s also a clarion call for all Christians to take life seriously. As you read through each chapter, you will be enlightened and encouraged to always reach out and help someone.
    Today, it is very common to hear all sorts of sarcastic criticisms or jokes made about the Church and by extension, Christians.
    I believe a walk through some of the topics outlined in this anointed book will prove helpful for all who read it. “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”
    Whatever God determines to do, either in heaven or on this planet earth, must come to pass. He is in perfect control of everything going on in the earth and in heaven (Matthew 19:26 – 27).
    Everything was spoken into existence, giving credence to the magnificence of the power of God who holds the whole world in His hands.
    I believe the impossibilities of men are possibilities with God. In the earthly realm, God uses human beings to execute projects that are beneficial to men. Ordinarily, men cannot execute any work requiring the unction of the Spirit to fulfill, but when empowered by God, they can do exploits. Elijah was an ordinary man like us, but because of God’s anointing on him, he performed many humanly impossible things.
    The reason why “what God can not do doesn’t exist” is that there is no situation, no matter how hopeless or irredeemable it seems, that God can’t change for the better. The only things God can’t do…is to lie or break His promise, because He is a covenant-keeping God…He can’t deny Himself.
    This is the basis upon which this book is written.

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