• The Diary of a Missionary Wife

    In a time where Sacrifice is no longer a much talked about subject preached in Christian circles, the average believer is tempted to forget those who have left their comfort zones to go fulfill the Great Commission in foreign lands.

    This book was written to remind us that there are some workers in the body who have been forgotten and need to be strengthened. However, as a compilation of testimonies and personal experiences, the author seeks to exalt God and His miraculous involvement in the life of anyone who dedicates to serve Him and fulfill this mission calling.

    It will empower missionaries to continue believing and trusting a God who is ever present and it will remind believers of the forgotten ones.

  • Bed 27: Mental Strength and Healing

    How did we get here? Beri is in extreme pain and the confused doctors staring at her just makes it even worse. She has been hospitalized for 8 months, had multiple surgeries and lost 4.8meters of her small intestines and now her family is being told that she can’t survive without the ileum because that’s where food is absorbed. Almost every week of the 8 months have been one bad news to another. Things happening to her which she has never heard of before and to think that we have been told that when you are a dedicated Christian, nothing bad can happen to you. Eventually, she was given 3 weeks to live but heyy, things turned around and she is alive 7 years later telling her story. You will love to know how that happened.

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