• The Police (Work People Do Series)

    Work People Do is a series of story books for children. They all tell interesting ways people do their work.

  • The Caterer (Work People Do Series)

    Work People Do is a series of story books for children. They all tell interesting ways people do their work.

  • The Book Publisher (Work People Do Series)

    Work People Do is a series of story books for children. They all tell interesting ways people do their work.

  • The Ghana Voter Registration 2020: Dynamics and Risks of Political Contestation in an Emerging Democracy

    After several years of trauniatic extralegal military seizures of power, Ghana in 1992 committed to the international standard that democracies, good democracies, are built on the principle and foundations of the rule of law, respect for human rights, accountable governance and democratic transitions through free, fair and transparent elections, among others.

    Ghana’s political landscape, however, has not been free of the challenges associated with egregious violations of the principles of democratic elections. Its elections have been characterised by endemic antagonism, polarisation and intolerance among political parties, especially between the two major political parties—the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

    This realisation informs the primary purpose of this monograph. It underscores the affinities between the increasing corrosive sub-culture of political violence and political vigilantism in Ghana’s political discourses and interactions. The study of the 2020 voter registration exercise helps to trace the structural and proximate or circumstantial factors that have and continue to inform Ghana’s propensity towards these twin vices. It identifies four broad contributory factors that exacerbated tensions during the registration exercise: systemic issues, use of violence in resolving such problems, hate speech, and the sometimes arbitrary and frivolous electoral methods and practices.

    In a way, these have contributed immensely to apprehensions that the 7 December 2020 presidential and parliamentary elections could witness a rise in political violence.

  • Inspirational Quotes for Living

    This pocket book is a compilation of personal quotes from the author. The phrases are a reflection on life’s journey and some aha moments, which have been crafted into motivational words to guide the reader through the highs and lows of life

  • The Sacrifice of Africa: A Political Theology for Africa

    In The Sacrifice of Africa, Prof. Emmanuel Katongole honestly confronts Africa’s painful legacy of chaos, violence and corruption. He shows how it continues to scar the imaginative landscape of African politics and society. He then demonstrates the real potential of Christianity to interrupt and transform entrenched political imaginations and create a different story for Africa – a story of self-sacrificing love that values human dignity and “dares to invent” a new better future for all Africans. Compelling accounts of three African Christian leaders and their work – Bishop Paride Taban in Sudan, Angelina Atyam in Uganda and Maggy Barankitse in Burundi – cap off Katongole’s vision of hope for Africa.

  • Animals in the Midst of Famine: A Nigerian Folktale (African Folktale Series)

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    In this beautifully illustrated, collectable library of easy-to-read traditional folktale with their moral lessons, test questions, and activities for the young ones, classic African stories are brought magically to reality. The stories in the African Folktale Series (AFS) are filled with moral lessons that have been handed down from many generations to the present in many African countries from Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroons, Liberia, the Gambia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania to Zimbabwe. The traditional African elders who inhabited an ancient continent brimming with wisdom successfully utilized these folktales to socialize their youngsters to the moral requirements of their society to insure order, security and growth.

  • A Woman’s Valley

    Eno, the princess of Edusah Kingdom, aims to succeed her father as ‘king’. She is the uncompromising princess and leader of the kingdom’s army, who returns from the battlefield to discover that she cannot rule the kingdom as a woman-king and must accept an arranged marriage in order to ascend to the throne as queen. Unfortunately, the news does not sit well with her, so she rebels against the notion and sets out on a path to become ‘king’ by herself, employing cunning tactics almost to the point of shedding blood to eliminate anyone who stands in her way. Little does she know that there is a major obstacle that threatens her chances of ascending the throne.

  • Abusua Pa Jigsaw Puzzle: Boti Falls (140/216 Puzzle Pieces) – Pre-Order

    Boti Falls is a captivating twin waterfall located in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Nestled in the Boti Forest Reserve, it offers natural beauty, accessibility and cultural significance. Visitors can enjoy the picturesque waterfall and its surrounding greenery, explore different viewing platforms and admire the Umbrella Rock formation nearby.

    The falls hold sacred importance and are associated with traditional rituals. Picnic areas provide opportunities for relaxation, and the area is known for its vibrant Kente weaving industry. Boti Falls is a serene and refreshing destination that showcases Ghana’s natural beauty and cultural heritage.

  • Abusua Pa Jigsaw Puzzle: Elmina Castle (140/216 Puzzle Pieces) – Pre-Order

    Elmina Castle, also known as St. George’s Castle, is a historic fortress located in the town of Elmina in the Central Region of Ghana. It was built by the Portuguese in 1482 and is recognized as the oldest European-built structure in sub-Saharan Africa.

    The castle was originally constructed as a trading post for the Portuguese to establish and maintain their presence in the region. It served as a major hub for the transatlantic slave trade, with thousands of enslaved Africans passing through its doors on their way to the Americas.

    Elmina Castle played a significant role in the colonial history of Ghana. It changed hands several times, with the Dutch capturing it from the Portuguese in 1637, and later the British taking control in 1872.

    Today, Elmina Castle is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a powerful symbol of the transatlantic slave trade. It attracts visitors from around the world who come to explore its dungeons, learn about its history, and reflect on the profound impact of slavery on Africa and the African diaspora. Guided tours are available to provide insights into the castle’s dark past and the harsh realities faced by those who were held captive within its walls.

  • Hope Lives Here

    Despite my dim musings, I found where hope lived, reached out for hope’s bright light, and wrote poems with magic to inspire people, to make the world kinder, to heal communities, and to unite people from diverse worlds. While writing, a flood of distinct emotions climbed me like a horse and stayed with me. I cried. I laughed. I smiled. I felt anger. I felt love. I felt peace in my soul. My heart was broken. I healed. 

    Hope Lives Here at its heart is about dreams. It is a collection of poems about passion, love, rejection, depression, poverty, self-doubt, possibilities, abuse, suicide, climate change, tolerance, politics, and power that shape human endeavours. Come to this book of poems with your heart and mind as we travel daringly across complex terrains of human realities without sidestepping. Hope Lives Here is inspiring, thought-provoking, and heart-warming.

    Hope Lives Here

  • You Failed, So What? (Hardcover)

    Before he turned 9 years he had helped a professional plumber plumb a whole house. By 11 years, he was an apprentice to an electrician. By 13 years, he was an apprentice to an auto mechanic. At 22 years, he finally received grace and decided to change for the better – changing from a watchman to a scholar. 

    • What did he do?
    • How did he retreat, rethink and retool?
    • How did he re-educate himself?
    • How did he go through life with no qualification?

    This book “You Failed, So What?” is a book written…

    • For students of all levels and disciplines.
    • For parents/guardians who want to help their children/wards become the best.
    • For lecturers/teachers who want to help their students.
    • For anyone who craves to succeed in life.

    In the chapters of this book – 

    “You Failed, So What?” – the author presents an integration of academia, real life stories and nuggets of wisdom to the generality of readers and students in particular. He openly shares his youthful naivete in the hope that his missteps would make your steps more audacious to a better future. “You Failed, So What?” is about striving more than it is about arriving.

  • Mindset Revolution III: To Build the Africa We Want; Our Move

    *Lead time for delivery – 4 weeks

    This is the handbook to the most important key to unlocking Africa’s power? Mindset.

    Akosua Bame continues her popular Mindset Revolution series with this latest book, noting that everything that has ever been created began as a thought and thoughts are driven by mindsets. Without the right mindsets, Africa will remain caught up in this ever-vicious cycle of poverty and dependence on aid. In this book, the author seeks to empower her audience to play their part in resetting and rebuilding Africa, by sharing strategies for developing and embedding the seven mindsets that are necessary to realising the continent’s potential.

    Here she discusses a visionary mindset, an evolutionary mindset, a legacy mindset, a knowledge-seeking mindset, a wealth-creation mindset, an entrepreneurial mindset and a health mindset. Akosua declares that Africa has been a cocoon for far too long; it is time for the butterfly to emerge. For that to happen, the people of Africa must turn inward, change the way they think, and then take steps to transform the continent. It is time for a paradigm shift. It is time for Africa to stop apologetically seeking a voice on the global stage. It is time for Africa to stop seeking solutions to its socio-economic problems by looking externally.

    It is time for Africa to realise that the power and indeed the only way to transform comes from within. To build the Africa we want, to transform the continent, all it takes is this?


  • Kwame Nkrumah: Contributions to the African Revolution

    Drawing on the published works, correspondence and speeches of Kwame Nkrumah, as well as on contemporary press reportage during Nkrumah’s final months in Ghana, Doreatha Mbalia offers a view of the theory and practice of the visionary proponent of a united African continent.

    This work traces the development Mbalia sees in Nkrumah’s theory and practice, from the early formation of his unique ideology that emphasises the crucial role of socialism in the progress towards a united African continent, to the coup that ended his Presidency of Ghana and his subsequent belief that the people of Africa must, when diplomatic and political means had failed, raise arms against neo-colonialism. Mbalia urges that Nkrumah’s vision still points the way to Pan-African unity.

  • Move To Ghana: 10 Practical Ways To Relocate To Ghana

    This book is for anyone in the diaspora considering or planning to make the move to Ghana now or in the nearest future.

    This book offers 10 practical, tried and tested ways you can consider to enable you to take action to begin to live out your dreams. It provides key insights, tips and action points you need to implement in order to succeed.

    The book will help the reader to clarify your thoughts, identify opportunities around you and encourage you to start preparing for your journey back home, whether to live or to invest.

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