• The Leading Lady Way

    Author and leadership development expert activist, Yawa Hansen-Quao, is excited to announce the release of her latest book, “The Leading Lady Way.” This powerful guidebook is designed to inspire and equip women to step into their leadership potential and make a difference in their personal and professional lives.
    “The Leading Lady Way” offers practical and actionable advice for women and girls who want to develop their leadership skills and find their authentic voice. Through a combination of personal stories, expert insights, and profiles of other women leaders, readers will learn how to overcome self-doubt, communicate effectively, and lead with purpose.
    “I wrote ‘The Leading Lady Way’ to empower women to embrace their leadership potential and make a lasting impact in their and beyond,” says author Yawa Hansen-Quao. “Whether you’re a student, an executive, an entrepreneur, or a stay-at-home mom, this book will inspire you to lead with confidence and purpose.”

  • In the Eye of the Storm: Autobiography of Justice Emile Francis Short (Hardcover)

    This book recounts my upbringing, narrating the role my father played in inculcating in me the values of honesty, integrity and hard work. The book describes my life from secondary school through University and the twist and turns of my career. The main object in writing the book is to inspire public officials to discharge their functions “without fear or favour, ill will or affection.” It also seeks to encourage the youth to pursue hard work and do the right thing at all times. It hopes to discourage the youth from engaging in unethical practices like 419, sakawa, satanic or occultic practices to get rich quickly. Honesty does pay in the long run. The idea of sitting down to write about myself especially at age 70 was not an attractive proposition. However, I received encouragement from a number of persons who impressed upon me the need to describe how I navigated the journey as Ghana’s first Commissioner for the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice and the challenges I encountered. My faith in Christ and how it has shaped my career are well articulated in the book.
    Justice Emile Francis Short

    Justice Emile Short’s memoir contains a powerful account of the life of a man whose local and international standing has generally beclouded a rich and fulfilling life history immersed in family, friends, community, and faith. Adopting a fluent narrative tinged with humor and transitional pauses and asides, this memoir presents a profound excursion into his life marked by detailed narrative of his experiences growing up in Ghana and abroad, education, love life, and professional development, and these will afford any reader a rare insight into the life of one of Africa’s, and certainly Ghana’s greatest sons. While many will find the chronology of his life’s story easy to identify with, his meticulous narration is truly a testament to the memoire’s overall richness and the depth of the author’s encounters and world views. Few memoirs open a window into an author’s life like this piece and the brazen frankness of his accounts illuminates the author and his lived experiences in the many episodes and phases of his years. The reader will find the book a lively and highly engaging read–one which piqued my own interest till the very end. I have hardly read any autobiography this revealing!
    Prof. E. Kofi Abotsi
    Dean, UPSA Law School

    A very well told life story. Lovely in its brevity, but that seems to come at the expense of some of the important episodes narrated in the book, particularly the “Damascan” transformation from being a successful conventional elite professional Cape Coast lawyer and hustling in the UK (on the one hand); to becoming a “born again”/charismatic Christian, occupying high level state positions/public office, “speaking truth” to powerful politicians/slaying political tigers, and liberating the enslaved.
    Prof. Gyimah Boadi

  • Kwame Nkrumah: Contributions to the African Revolution

    Drawing on the published works, correspondence and speeches of Kwame Nkrumah, as well as on contemporary press reportage during Nkrumah’s final months in Ghana, Doreatha Mbalia offers a view of the theory and practice of the visionary proponent of a united African continent.

    This work traces the development Mbalia sees in Nkrumah’s theory and practice, from the early formation of his unique ideology that emphasises the crucial role of socialism in the progress towards a united African continent, to the coup that ended his Presidency of Ghana and his subsequent belief that the people of Africa must, when diplomatic and political means had failed, raise arms against neo-colonialism. Mbalia urges that Nkrumah’s vision still points the way to Pan-African unity.

  • Move To Ghana: 10 Practical Ways To Relocate To Ghana

    This book is for anyone in the diaspora considering or planning to make the move to Ghana now or in the nearest future.

    This book offers 10 practical, tried and tested ways you can consider to enable you to take action to begin to live out your dreams. It provides key insights, tips and action points you need to implement in order to succeed.

    The book will help the reader to clarify your thoughts, identify opportunities around you and encourage you to start preparing for your journey back home, whether to live or to invest.

  • Mindset Revolution: Master Your Thoughts and Master Your Life (Hardcover)

    Everything that has ever been created or achieved began as a thought. Living a life of destiny requires one to gain mastery over their thoughts through a process of harmonising their spirit, soul and body. This means change, which although a constant in life, can be challenging; changing a mind-set even more so.
    This book is aimed at giving readers, especially Africans, a different perspective of their circumstances. It challenges the subconscious beliefs they may have which may be holding them back from living their potential. Although set within an African context, the truths presented is the minimum daily dose of inspiration and life coaching anyone needs to kick start the revolution of their minds.
    Through a pragmatic, humour filled, conversational style, Akosua exposes truths, laws and secrets for living a ‘truly’ winning life. In here she shares:
    Why the natural state is a life of abundance
    Why having a vision and dreaming is important
    How the ‘secret’ to living your potential lies in your thoughts
    How to discover and become more of the REAL you
    Akosua says ‘come with an open mind, embrace the truths presented and you will begin to discover how gaining mastery over your thoughts can propel you into living your wildest dreams’.

  • Africa: Poverty in the Midst of Plenty

    This book posits that human beings are the most deceitful, dissimulator and complex creatures on earth. It is a critique of human behaviour, especially the African, and how he/she may be held responsible for his/her own under-development.

    The book also contains some analysis on the West African socio -politico-economic realities to enable us to appraise the sources of imbalance in development between the North and the South and the fact that Africans cannot continue to blame colonialism and neo-colonialism for the uneven development. The solution is at our own doorstep.

    The narratives are done independently but, put together, it is a labyrinth of the nature of the African and Africa. A must read for policy-makers, diplomats and students of Africa political economy.

  • Kwaku Ananse and Abebe the Grasshopper

    Age Range: 3 – 7 years

    Who is craftier, Kwaku Ananse or Abebe the grasshopper? Find out in this delightful Ghanaian story.

  • I am the Street Lawyer (Hardcover)

    In this book, the author chronicles his perilous journey to becoming a household name in legal practice in Ghana, by sharing stories from the Victims’ perspectives.

    His simple practice of the law demystified the revered and mysterious legal profession.

    He became so common and accessible to the poor and most vulnerable victims of varied violations of our dysfunctional system, much to the annoyance of the true owners of the law profession; the Law Lords.

    Moved by compassion, he led and represented several victims of rape, defilement, Military brutality, Police abuse and extrajudicial killings, religious and political abuses to navigate and find justice in a corrupt, unjust and dysfunctional justice system.

    Discover how a street child became a street lawyer at the risk of losing his own legal career as beneficiaries of the corrupt system fight back.

  • Love Lifted Me from the Street

    For a young man who was born in a slum by very poor parents, access to basic necessities of life were luxuries to him; even education. To him, comfortable living was meant for a particular class of people, of which, he believed his family was far from; given the acute hardship conditions his family was going through.

    This book is a memoir of the Author’s street life as a teenage school boy, whose major ordeal was to hawk on the street, sleep on the street and virtually live off at the mercy of the street.

    The Author highly attributes his success story to LOVE. “Without love, I have nothing. All throughout my life, many people have in diverse ways shown me love, and that gesture of love has made me who I am today”.

    Readers will uncover the “from grass to grace” success story of the Author, who, is an epitome of inspiration to many youths today.

  • Homeless

    This book is an inspirational true story of a homeless young boy who, out of sheer tenacity, kept his eyes on EDUCATION to unlock his dreams of becoming a lawyer.

    The book contains life changing stories and experiences of the Author, which in essence, emphasizes the importance of EDUCATION in the life of every child, most especially the less-privileged, underprivileged or economically disadvantaged child, whose fortunes of successful living are uncertain.

    HOMELESS has been reviewed and approved by Ghana Education Service (GES) and Conference of Assisted Senior High Schools (GHASS) in Ghana as a supplementary reader for JHS, SHS, Vocational and Technical Institutions and Colleges of Education.


  • Being the Change

    Being the Change is a masterpiece for all Change Makers and those who desire to change the status-quo, by moving to the next level in their life, career or other pursuits. It contains practical lessons on how by our resilience, we can change our communities, nations, our worlds, and even ourselves; by becoming the change we desire. It reiterates that “The change we always desire must always come from us”.

    The author shares valuable collections of his work as a Member of Parliament; from connecting over 4500 youths to various job models on the MADINA Job Center, impacting Muslim communities through the Islam Project, Service Above Self Best Teacher Awards and other Educational Interventions, Heath Outreaches and many more. In less than two years, the Author introduced 5 New Private Members Bills personally and with other colleagues. The Book also shares a number of incredible articles written by or about the author, spanning governance, judiciary, rule of law, economy, security among others. This book in short, is a compendium of the life, work, practices, inspirations and the experience of a Change Maker. You will find inspiration to become the Change you desire after reading this book.

    Being the Change

  • Leadership: Theory, Practice and Cases

    Leadership is the most important ingredient of success in Human Endeavour.

    The changes we see and experience in societies and organisations around the world lead to new and different paradigms that necessitate different and appropriate responses. These lead directly into the realm of how we come to think about leadership. In short, we cannot see leadership competence and its practice in the same way as societies and organisations evolve. Those who take leadership positions and duties must be willing to explore and create new ways of thinking and interacting with those they lead and continue to lead.

    To this end, this book is written for leaders and aspiring leaders who want to learn or enhance their leadership competence and confidence. Whether you are in government or in a non-profit or private sector business, the leadership framework and knowledge covered here constitute a theoretical and practical enough help for you to create societal and organisational growth and change.

    “Wisdom on leadership from a distinguished practitioner, with advice for leaders and students alike. ” — Emeritus Professor Tudor Richards, Formerly Professor of Creativity and Organisational Change, Alliance Manchester Business School

  • Baba Chibsah: Inspirational Story of an Illustrious Migrant

    Baba Chibsah: Inspirational Story of an Illustrious Migrant is one of those books that take the reader on a journey of illumination. At the core of the story is the life of Baba Chibsah, who was both a visionary and practical man who was driven by his own idealism and belief in God and community to achieve goals he could not have comprehended when he set out from his home in the Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso), to work in the Gold Coast (Ghana) in 1922. His immediate aim was to earn enough money to buy a bicycle. Taking every opportunity that came his way, the acclaimed founder of Tafo Zongo never went back but created a community and values worth celebrating.

    His adventures read like a story out of a thriller movie. However, the story breaks free of its boundaries and becomes the history of a whole generation. This book teaches more about life in pre-independence times, not only in Ghana but in our West African sub-region than most textbooks. Here the story of migration, impact of European colonial policy, social interaction, Islamic movements and trends, and indeed the development of the Tafo-Suame enclave in Kumasi are all laid out here in cinematic detail.

    Alhaji Seidu Kibsa Sawadogo aka Alhaji Seidu Chibsah has not only honoured his father and his generation but also produced a history masterpiece.

  • My Footprints in Ghana’s Black Gold

    This memoir — part historical and part autobiographical — traces the author’s involvement with the final phase of petroleum exploration in Ghana, a journey that took over a century, beginning with the first onshore well in 1896. It has been a most interesting journey, with many twists and turns.

    In the early days of the existence of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation, there were various myths and half-truths about the presence or absence of commercial quantities of oil and gas in the basins of the Ghana.

    • Nigeria was draining Ghana’s oil and that all that was required was for Ghana to buy powerful machines and begin to pump and drain her own
    • Ghana would never find oil until the gods of Nzemaland and the Volta Region had been pacified
    • The GNPC Model Production Sharing Agreement was too stringent on contractors

    A major seismic interpretation of the Cape Three Points sub-basin of the Western Region, in 1992, would turn out to be the watershed of this new brave phase of exploration in Ghana.

    The book was finally launched in Ghana in April 2022.

    Hopefully, going to the heart of the matter should help future generations of ordinary Ghanaians, politicians and explorationists understand what it took to make Ghana a petroleum producing country, just in case the country was afflicted by the “Dutch disease.”

  • Leadership in Africa Redefined – Untold Stories

    The story on leadership in Africa is not a good one. It is a story in which the key actors are often corrupt, authoritarian politicians. And yet, this is only one side of the story.

    The untold story is that Africa is also home to leaders who are imaginative, adaptable, ethical, and empowering. These are leaders who are transforming the spaces they serve on this continent. They are redefining leadership in Africa.

    The time has come where we need to stop defining our leadership by the worst of us. We need to learn from the best of us.

    Taaka Awori’s Leadership in Africa Redefined offers concrete principles to guide the practice of this form of leadership. Using the stories and lessons from outstanding leaders on the continent, Taaka Awori illustrates the idea that your leadership reflects who you are as a person. Her hope is that this book will be an inspiration and a practical guide to support each reader in becoming the leader Africa needs and deserves.

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