• Essential New Foundation English for Junior High Schools

    This book, New Foundation English, covers all aspects of the English Language programme at Junior High School level.

    It treats all the essential items of the English Language course that the student needs to know and study.

    The book is designed to give the student the opportunity and material he needs to prepare adequately for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in the areas of Essay Writing, Comprehension, the Objective Test and Literature.

    There is a step-by-step discussion of the essential components of the BECE English Language Paper. The Literature Section especially has been given great emphasis.

    The book also contains a number of questions for trial in all the sections. The Essential New Foundation English is user-friendly as it has been written in a language that is easy to understand. The student will therefore find the book very useful.

    Note: The Pronoun ‘He’ has been used in this book as the Universal Gender to refer to both male and female students.

  • Speaking of Ghana: Did You Know That…?

    The book is a simple story about Ghana, intended to be a companion to students, and all people who would like to know more about Ghana. It is written in a simple style, and through bullet points and questions, teaches some basic facts about Ghana’s recent political history as well as essential information about each of the sixteen regions. The book is a peek into Ghana, but gives the reader a broad view of the country.
    The book has been recommended by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, (NaCCA) for use as supplementary material for Junior and Senior high schools.

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