• Flashcards: Bible Verses – with Illustrative Pictures (70 cards)

    This is a special product for memorising and learning Bible verses. A pack of 70 Bible verses, with colourful pictures to further illustrate the meaning of the verses.

    Suitable for Sunday school classes, ministries, churches and anyone seeking to commit Scripture to memory.

  • The Genesis of Marriage

    This manual captures the studies and experiences accumulated by the authors from more than 60 years of counselling large groups in churches as well as hundreds of copies around the world. It is our strong belief that our fellow marriage counsellors will find the contents of this manual particularly helpful.

    In preparing this manual, we have been guided by the following principles that married couples or those intending to marry need to have:

    • the right understanding about marriage as God intended it
    • basic biblical and additional knowledge
    • commitment to each other
    • the willingness to work for a happy marriage in order to realise its full blessings

    The material here is also designed to be used individually by singles, privately by couples, in small groups or as outlines to prepare teaching to large groups.

    You are invited to turn the pages, learn and practise what we trust will enrich your relationships and marriage. It is in practising what we learn that we benefit the most.


  • Christians And Churches Of Africa: Salvation In Christ And Building A New African Society

    Ka Mana’s book revolves around the experience that Jesus as Christ and Savior comes into the heart of men and women to transform them from within and make them agents for the transformation of the continent.
  • Flashcards: Bible Questions & Answers (66 Cards)

    This product is specially designed for higher levels in the study of the Bible.

    It has various questions and answers on the Bible.

    We wish you a pleasurable experience teaching your child/pupil .

  • The Journey to the Place of Abundance

    The Journey to the Place of Abundance is a book that draws from the Exodus of Israel from Egypt into the Promised Land. In this journey, Israel was confronted with many challenges that could have prevented them from moving into their promised land. From the military might of the Egyptians, to the challenges of water and food shortages, to even in fighting among them, the people of Israel demonstrated key behavioral attitudes that either helped them, or slowed down their progress. This book highlights the key attitudes that we also need if we are to get into our place of abundance.

  • Guidelines for Christian Theology in Africa (Theological Perspectives in Africa #5)

    Professor Imasogie argues that the lack of total commitment of the average African Christian to Christ is due to the lack of “fit” between Christian Theological and African life. This is, in turn, due to the failure of Western orthodox theologians to take Africa world views into consideration in their theological formulations. If Christian theology is to be relevant for the African, his world view and self- understanding must be taken into serious account.

  • The Theological Task of the Church in Africa (Theological Perspectives in Africa #1)

    ‘How shall we, African evangelicals, recapture the initiative? This, to my mind, should be the most important question we ask ourselves when we plan a theological strategy. Such a strategy should be characterized with two words: Positive theology. Evangelicals need to develop a positive theology for Africa. For too long, we have been on a defensive! For too long, we have been content to criticize! For too long, our theology has been a reactionary theology!’

    In this new edition, the author has revised the first three chapters and replaced the fourth. He surveys the theological scene in Africa, highlights some of the main issues, and suggests some steps forward.

  • Reaching The Unreached: The CMRF Model

    Ever wondered how you can use your talents and skills as tools for outreach and make an impact as a Christian professional wherever you find yourself? This book, Reaching the Unreached: The CMRF Model may be an answer to your cry.

    This book is a reflection on the work of a community of people who were sold out for the purposes of the Kingdom of God. They were ordinary men and women who received a commission to undertake an extraordinary task using the basic tools they had acquired. Primarily, they used the medical tool and evangelism as means of reaching out to the poor and marginalized in some communities in Ghana and other parts of the world.

    The Model presented in this book is time tested and born out of years of practical Christian medical evangelistic work. We believe you will be blessed and energized to evangelize and win souls for Christ as you read.

  • Simple Reasons To Say Thank You

    If we knew what a grateful heart does for us and the people around us, we will be more inclined to adopt a lifestyle of gratitude. Unfortunately, the expression of gratitude as a courtesy is often taken for granted even without meaning to do so. This book is intended to awaken in the reader’s mind the importance of demonstrating and expressing gratitude in a relevant manner. It provides practical examples of why and where gratitude needs to be expressed, and the opportunities we miss out on when we fail to appreciate what is given to us or done for us.

  • It’s Time To See Again

    This is a book for people who desire to walk in discernment according to the word of God. It’s for people who are tired of living in a fool’s paradise and being deceived by the people they love and trust. This book tries to draw attention to the importance of seeking and discovering God’s truth for yourself in order to overcome self-deception and other forms of deception in various areas of your life.

  • Fulfilling Your Purpose

    Your purpose is your unique identification in life. You are defined by your purpose and not your career or social status. The essence of your life is embedded in your purpose. Your career is not your purpose and it does not define your purpose either. Your purpose is rather supposed to define your career. Your career is  supposed to be the means through which you will be able to fulfill your purpose. Your career must reflect your purpose and you ought to use it to fulfill your purpose in life.

    Your career path must be influenced by your purpose in life and so therefore, the discovery of your purpose is essential. Being a doctor, or a pastor, or a teacher, or any other profession is not one’s purpose but a vocation. Whatever field of work you find yourself, you must identify and understand how that will help you to fulfill your purpose. The fulfillment of your purpose is principal and you cannot overlook it. Failure to discover in order to fulfill your purpose means you have failed in life regardless of how prosperous you may be.

  • In Pursuit Of Purpose

    The scripture is very articulate and clear about who God is not. He is not the Author of confusion. That means chaos, confusing and disorderliness do not emanate from God. You can conclude by saying that they come from the devil and you may be right. However, there is some truth beyond the fact that the devil is rather the author of confusion.

    Life without a sense of purpose will definitely lead to confusion and chaos without the involvement of the devil. So one way of eliminating confusion from our midst is to be purposeful. God is able to deal with confusion by being purposeful. One key thing about God is that, He is the God of decency, order and purpose. His sense of purpose is what enables Him to completely eliminate confusion from His dealings.

  • Peter Dagadu: Man of God

    Usually we know those men who have influenced church and nation only by reputation, as it were from the outside. In this book we have the rare privilege of seeing such a man at close quarters his childhood and schooling, how he came to Christ, the struggles and problems he went through in short, what made him the man of God he was.

    Though Peter Dagadu died so many years ago, there are thousands who knew him and who will find in this account the secret of a man they admired but did not always understand: To many others, both lay and ordained, the story of Peter Dagadu will prove a challenge to climb the upward path following in his footsteps.

    Peter Barker came to Ghana in 1956, after studying history and theology at Oxford, to work on the magazine New Nation, of which Peter Dagadu was a member of the advisory board. He later taught French and history at Okuapemman and La Bone secondary schools, and in 1961 began a two-year course of study for the London BD at Trinity College (then in Kumasi). After three years as pastor of Kaneshie Presbyterian Church and editor of Christian Messenger, he was seconded to the Christian Council as secretary of the Literature Committee and later manager of Asempa Publishers.

  • Daily Power: A Daily Devotional Guide for Youth & Family (2023 Edition)

    Scripture Union is serving God’s Church in this country by producing booklets which give a Bible reading every day throughout the year. These booklets help to make daily Bible reading easy, exciting, and meaningful, leading to true conversion, victorious living, fruitful service to the church and society. Become one of the thousands of happy Christians in the SU Bible reading family in Africa by using Daily Power (Youth/Family) or Daily Guide (Adults).

    Scripture Union Ghana’s Daily Power has been used for many years by Christians in Ghana and abroad for Quiet Time.

    Remember the mantra from Daily Guide: No Bible, No Breakfast.


  • The Christmas Promise: Colouring and Activity Book – Colouring, Puzzles, Mazes and More (Tales that Tell the Truth)

    Age Range: 5 – 8 years

    This hardback storybook is a captivating retelling of the Christmas story, showing how God kept his promise to send a new King, a rescuing King, a forever King! Perfect for children aged 3 to 6.

    A long, long time ago – so long that it’s hard to imagine – God promised a new King.

    He wasn’t any ordinary King, like the ones we see on TV or in books. He would be different.

    He would be a NEW King; a RESCUING KING; a FOREVER KING!

    Join Mary and Joseph, a bunch of shepherds, some wise men, and lots and LOTS of angels as they discover how God kept his Christmas promise with mazes, wordsearches, puzzles and colouring in this Christmas activity book.

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