• Dancing Sermons

    **Available from mid-February 2019**

    Vernon Sproxton describes Ah! Books as those that induce a fundamental change in the reader’s perception of things.

    Dancing Sermons is such a book. It will make you look upon familiar things as though seeing, feeling and understanding them for the first time. The message running through Dancing Sermons like a golden thread is that we human beings, in spite of our flaws are all special, unique, and loved deeply and intensely by God. This love is without strings. There is an elegant word which expresses this — grace.

    Dancing Sermons

  • The Genesis of Marriage

    This manual captures the studies and experiences accumulated by the authors from more than 60 years of counselling large groups in churches as well as hundreds of copies around the world. It is our strong belief that our fellow marriage counsellors will find the contents of this manual particularly helpful.

    In preparing this manual, we have been guided by the following principles that married couples or those intending to marry need to have:

    • the right understanding about marriage as God intended it
    • basic biblical and additional knowledge
    • commitment to each other
    • the willingness to work for a happy marriage in order to realise its full blessings

    The material here is also designed to be used individually by singles, privately by couples, in small groups or as outlines to prepare teaching to large groups.

    You are invited to turn the pages, learn and practise what we trust will enrich your relationships and marriage. It is in practising what we learn that we benefit the most.


  • How to Enjoy your Marriage

    This is a book that serves as a counselling manual as well as a self-study book by Christians at various stages of Christian marriage — singles looking for a partner, engaged couples and married couples. The 34 studies here cover topics ranging from ‘Marriage as God’s idea’, ‘The single life’, ‘Courtship’ and the principles and practice of magnificent marriages. They provide single people and married couples with the tools they need to make vital decisions concerning marriages and relationships. The book has also been written with the marriage counsellor in mind. It provides a ready programme for pre-marital counselling as well as insights for helping couples to deal with major marital issues such as finance, communication and sex.

    This is a book you will go back to again and again for invaluable reference material.

  • Flashcards: Bible Verses – with Illustrative Pictures (70 cards)

    This is a special product for memorising and learning Bible verses. A pack of 70 Bible verses, with colourful pictures to further illustrate the meaning of the verses.

    Suitable for Sunday school classes, ministries, churches and anyone seeking to commit Scripture to memory.

  • Experiencing God Series Book Set (6 books)

    The Experiencing God series, seeks to explore the importance of being sent of God, the servant of God, the Word of God, Faith in God and the power of God in our lives, and how all these aspects influence the growth of the Christian.

    A powerful 6 book set, it is guaranteed to impact your personal growth in faith and life in a positive way.

    The 6 books are encased in a hard-card box and shrink-wrapped to make an excellent gift to friends and family.

  • Importance of the Power of God (Experiencing God Series #5)

    Importance of the Power of God, the fifth and final book in the Experiencing God series, seeks to explore the all-important role of the power of God in our lives, and how we can experience this power through faith-filled prayer.

  • Importance of the Servant of God (Experiencing God Series #2)

    Importance of the Servant of God, the second book in the Experiencing God series, seeks to explore the all-important role of the Servant of God in the lives of His people. One way of helping people to experience the power of God is through the preaching and teaching of the word of God by His servants.

  • Importance of Being Sent by God (Experiencing God Series #1)

    Importance of Being Sent by God, the first book in the Experiencing God series, seeks to explore the importance of waiting until you are sent of God. The key thought from this book flows from the Scripture which says, “And how shall they preach unless they are SENT?” (Romans 10:15) There cannot be a preacher or servant of God unless someone is sent by God.

    It is one thing to be called by God and yet another thing to be prepared and sent of God. Now it is those who are sent by God, who are given the power and authority. They are those who have a liberating message from God for the people.

  • Importance of Faith in God (Experiencing God Series #4)

    Importance of Faith in God, the fourth book in the Experiencing God series, seeks to explore the importance of Faith in God and how true faith in God can cause us to have an experience with God’s power in a particular area of need.

  • Importance of the Word of God (Experiencing God Series #3)

    Importance of the Word of God, the third book in the Experiencing God series, seeks to explore the importance of the Word of God in our lives and how, through the word, we can develop our faith in God for an extraordinary experience of His power.

  • St. Augustine’s College: Conquering With Perseverance – Our Past, Our Present And Our Future

    The 724-page book is the first-ever reference book by any college in Ghana. It serves as both a history book on everything one needs to know about the St. Augustine’s College and serves as both an encyclopaedia as well as almanac that compiles in detail, every single one of the over 400 parishes, out-stations and individuals that contributed towards the establishment of the College. It also traces the history of the Gold Coast Catholic as the root of Catholic Education, contribution of the Catholic Church to Ghana’s Education Sector, the establishment of St. Augustine’s College initially as a Teacher Training College in Amisano and subsequent construction and transfer of the College to Cape Coast with a Secondary Department. In all the narration, the authors bring out the undercurrents that led to the clamour of the Gold Coast Catholic faithful to have their own Secondary School and the frustrations that the Catholic Church hierarchy had to endure to have the College established.

    The book gives a background to the naming of the College after the foremost Christian Theologian of African descent and how that dove-tailed into the philosophy, unique identity and character of the College’s products. Detailed highlights are given on major roles played by the Society of African Missions and the Congregation of Holy Cross in the holistic development of the College’s students. The College’s scholarship, excellence in sports and role as a citadel of the arts are well explained in the book with an impressive roll-call of outstanding alumni across various sectors as an emphasis to the role of the College within the context of national development. The very essence of campus life, management and curriculum is brought to the fore through reminiscence by APSUnians across its nine decades of existence. The various narrations are interlaced with interviews, discussions with College Management, academic staff and alumni dating as far back as the 1950s.

    The book also does a comprehensive listing of every college alumnus from 1933 when the very first graduates left college till 2017 by their programmes offered and provides 65 coloured pages of very historic privileged pictures some dating as far back as 1930s. The role of the past students’ union (APSU) as one of the most critical stakeholders in the development of the College is clearly established all through the book which closes with prospects on the establishment of an endowment fund to secure the gains made over the decades.

    Whether an APSUnian, Augusco parent, Catholic faithful, a historian or researcher, one will require a copy of this historic document to fully appreciate the work of the missionaries in the development of education in Ghana, role of the Catholic Church in the establishment of schools in Ghana among others.

    The book is printed on quality paper and stitched hard-bound with dust jacket.

  • Pencil on Assignment

    We find ourselves in a temporary world where many are focused on leaving temporary marks rather than eternal ones. Young people today are looking for fame, riches, luxury, without looking for their primary goal on earth.

    This book gives an insight to give key issues from the view point of a pencil to address the greatest quest in life; purpose. It looks at the relationship between;

    • The pencil and its marks
    • The pencil and the eraser
    • The pencil and the lead
    • The pencil and the sharpener
    • The pencil and the hand (user)

    The book also addresses issues such as:

    • Leaving a positive mark
    • Who can be saved?
    • What next after salvation?
    • Does a Christan skate through life trouble-free?
    • How can the best in you be seen?

    Everyone is leaving a mark on this earth, but the big question is,  “How relevant is your mark in your generation and the generations yet to come?”

    Don’t strive to be better than someone; strive to be the best you.

  • The Ewe People: A Study of the Ewe People in German Togo

    The Ewe of Ghana, Togo and Benin have been one of the most documented ethnic groups in West Africa, given their encounters with the German, French and British colonial administrations. In 1906, Jakob Spieth, a German Bremen Missionary, published Die Ewe-Stamme. Die Ewe-Stamme is one of the most comprehensive treatises on the history, religion, economic life, traditional social structure, and, indeed, the entire spectrum of everyday life of the Ewe. Published over 100 years ago the book had limited circulation and became increasingly rare to the extent that it almost became a deified piece of work and source of classified knowledge. Additionally, Die Ewe-Stamme was published in German and old non-standard and colloquial Ewe languages. It is hoped this translation of Die Ewe-Stamme into English and contemporary Ewe might create a revival of interest amongst researchers, enhance the understanding for the traditional Ewe culture and become reading material in schools and universities.

  • Amu the African: A Study in Vision and Courage

    This book is an account of the life and work of Dr. Ephraim Amu, the renowned Ghanaian educationist and reformist — a great creative musician of world rank whose contributions are a cultural heritage for the world. It gives the story of Amu’s life and the contribution he has made to the development of the Church, Education, Morality, the Youth, Agriculture, Nutrition, Ghanaian Cultural Nationalism and, especially, the evolution of Ghanaian music.

    Not since Dr Kwegyir Aggrey has any other Ghanaian influenced more positively the development of Ghanaian culture and pride in the African Personality than Dr Ephraim Amu.

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