• How to Make Wise Decisions

    Receiving good advice is an art that can be perfected by practice. The quality of our lives is influenced by the people from whom we receive advice. For each one of us, there are people who enrich our lives and others who deplete our lives because of the quality of advice they give to us.

    How to Make Wise Decisions presents a systematic and yet simple approach that involves six key steps to receiving good advice and making quality decisions which will help you advance in life.


  • Handling Offences

    Offences are a natural part of all human relationships – be they marital, workplace, family or even at church. They creep in through diverse means and, depending on how they are handled, leave a relationship stronger or damaged. Mismanaging offences has the capacity to destroy both the offender and the offended. Offence must therefore be handled in the spirit of reconciliation.

    Handling Offences identifies the causes and consequences of offences and outlines a systematic process of restoration for relationships that have experienced offence.


  • Pursuing Your New Year Dreams

    The end of the year is a most interesting time in the lives of most people. It is a time for reflection on the year that is ending and most importantly a time for projection into the year ahead. People often have a list of New Year resolutions which encompass plans ranging from the profound to the bizarre. Useful as these dreams are, they sometimes end up being unfulfilled.

    Pursuing Your New Year Dreams outlines seven principles that will help you position yourself strategically for the New Year and ensure that your dreams are realised.


  • How to Overcome Temptation

    Everyone faces temptation at one time or another in their lives. A temptation is a desire or strong feeling to do something evil or sinful. God does not tempt anyone. Instead, temptations are initiated by Satan and we end up surrendering because of our evil desires.

    How To Overcome Temptation describes how temptations come and how we can overcome them in order to live victorious Christian lives.


  • How to be Born Again

    How to be Born Again is about Eternal Life and how to attain it. It is about how the Lord Jesus can free anyone from a life of sin and give them the gift of Salvation. Being born again or saved is not about doing good deeds, attending church, or engaging in frantic religious activity. It’s about a relationship with the Saviour.

    Anyone who is lost and looking for hope in life can, through the pages of this simple booklet, go through a step-by-step process that will help him or her to find Christ and enjoy the benefits of Salvation.

  • Anointed to Start and to Finish

    Anointed to Start and to Finish shares four characteristics you need to lay a strong foundation, and more importantly four proven principles for finishing what you begin.

  • The Ministry of The Wife: Understanding Your Calling

    What does it mean to be a wife?

    Why is a wife much more than a homemaker?

    How can a wife align with God’s intent and transform her home and community!?

    Dear woman, being a wife is a calling! Your role as a wife is for a divine purpose. You are a specially designed change agent – a vessel God uses to transform the world – starting first with the home! Being a wife goes beyond just being a homemaker. And whether you are aware of it or not, you are the fulfilment of God’s prophecy to your husband and family.

    This book will ignite your spirit, and open your eyes to many deep and encouraging truths that will transform your role as a wife. It will guide you to discover God’s divine plan for your life, and inspire and motivate you to live beyond the ordinary vision of marriage.

    Be prepared to have a renewed and profound understanding of your purpose as a wife and be equipped with wisdom to embrace your calling!

    This book is an important read for all, especially current and prospective wives.

  • A Guide to the Sacrament of Consecration and Ordination

    Philip Schaff notes “No one can be a pastor who is not called, examined, ordained or installed’’. While this may seem obvious, the explosive growth in churches in Ghana and many West Africa states has meant that many men of God do not know, understand or have not been properly initiated in how to conduct the sacraments. This is where this book comes in. The Westminster Assembly, one of the most doctrinally sound assemblies to convene in the history of the church, had this to say as whole body or consensus of ministers and theologians: ‘’on the 9th of January, the whole question of ordination was fairly stated by Dr. Temple, chairman of one of the committees, in the following series of interrogatory propositions:

    1. What ordination is?
    2. Whether necessarily to be continued?
    3. Who to ordain?
    4. What persons to be ordained, and how qualified?
    5. The manner how?

    A Guide to the Sacrament of Ordination & Consecration provides answers to these questions and many more. Its helpful tips and practical advice will enable;

    • Reverend Ministers to understand their calling.
    • The body of Christ (the church) to understand The Priesthood and give it due recognition as God expects.
    • All Christians to correct hermeneutic errors and negative practices by God’s Priests in our time.

    Ministers of the Gospel will particularly find this book helpful as it provides helpful tips and practical advice on conducting ordinations and consecrations. Enjoy the book!

  • Let My People Grow


    Let My People Grow was born out of the author’s engagements with hundreds of new converts and his experiences discipling and counseling Christians at different stages of their faith journey. The book is a call to growth to maturity in Christ. It presents the essential tools, principles, road map and motivation for the journey of spiritual growth. The book draws parallels with natural growth and points out biblical concepts that can be likened to certain important natural, biological and social processes in the human being that facilitate healthy development. At least twelve spiritual things necessary for a Christian’s growth are discussed by the author.

    The book is steeped in Scripture and contains several real-life stories. The reader will learn how to appropriate the rich resources in Christ to nourish the soul and spirit for growth into the image of Christ. The book is for every Christian, both young and old. It is also for the enquirer, seeking to understand the Christian faith and everyone who wants to know Jesus and walk with Him.

  • The Journey to the Place of Abundance

    The Journey to the Place of Abundance is a book that draws from the Exodus of Israel from Egypt into the Promised Land. In this journey, Israel was confronted with many challenges that could have prevented them from moving into their promised land. From the military might of the Egyptians, to the challenges of water and food shortages, to even in fighting among them, the people of Israel demonstrated key behavioral attitudes that either helped them, or slowed down their progress. This book highlights the key attitudes that we also need if we are to get into our place of abundance.

  • Nmãle Kronkron le (Pulpit Size, Ga Bible)

    The Holy Bible translated in Ga has a Vinyl cover material with pictorial illustrations. •

  • Flashcards: Bible Questions & Answers (66 Cards)

    This product is specially designed for higher levels in the study of the Bible.

    It has various questions and answers on the Bible.

    We wish you a pleasurable experience teaching your child/pupil .

  • Baebolo (Nzema Bible)

    The Holy Bible translated in Nzema has a Vinyl cover material with pictorial illustrations. •

  • Flashcards: Bible Verses – with Illustrative Pictures (70 cards)

    This is a special product for memorising and learning Bible verses. A pack of 70 Bible verses, with colourful pictures to further illustrate the meaning of the verses.

    Suitable for Sunday school classes, ministries, churches and anyone seeking to commit Scripture to memory.

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