• Mma Ayara Atampugre: A Tale of Success Against the Odds

    This book tells the story of an unlettered woman in a harsh patriarchal setting who, with resilience and grit, managed to successfully overcome daunting life challenges and succeeded against the odds.

    It looks at the life of Mma Ayara Atampugre’s early as an orphan, when she became a wife, a mother, a wisdom and her life philosophies that became the pillars of her success in life. So much to learn from how Mma Ayara navigated through life inspite of her daunting life challenges. 

  • Concentric Circles: 30 Rich Life Lessons of A Resilient African Child

    Concentric Circles: 30 Life Lessons of a Resilient African Child, is a deeply personal and moving tribute to the strength and resilience of all those who have faced hardship and adversity. It is a powerful memoir that takes readers on a journey through the remarkable life of Elizabeth ‘Zionita’ Ofori. With her heartfelt dedication to those who have walked gruesome paths yet kept their fire, love, and light burning, Zionita invites readers to join her in celebrating the incredible strength and beauty of the human spirit.

    In this inspiring memoir, Elizabeth shares 30 life lessons that she has learned through her remarkable journey.

    Whether you are facing your own struggles or simply seeking inspiration and guidance on your life’s journey, Concentric Circles is a memoir that will speak to your heart and soul. Filled with powerful insights, moving personal stories, and a deep sense of hope, this book is a testament to the power of the human spirit to overcome even the greatest challenges.

    Zionita’s story is a shining example of what can be achieved with grit, grace, and an unshakeable sense of purpose.

    The lessons Zionita shares in this book are both timeless and timely, offering valuable insights for readers of all ages and backgrounds. Filled with wisdom, heart, and hope, Concentric Circles is a must-read memoir that will leave readers feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to take on the world.

  • You Failed, So What? (Hardcover)

    Before he turned 9 years he had helped a professional plumber plumb a whole house. By 11 years, he was an apprentice to an electrician. By 13 years, he was an apprentice to an auto mechanic. At 22 years, he finally received grace and decided to change for the better – changing from a watchman to a scholar. 

    • What did he do?
    • How did he retreat, rethink and retool?
    • How did he re-educate himself?
    • How did he go through life with no qualification?

    This book “You Failed, So What?” is a book written…

    • For students of all levels and disciplines.
    • For parents/guardians who want to help their children/wards become the best.
    • For lecturers/teachers who want to help their students.
    • For anyone who craves to succeed in life.

    In the chapters of this book – 

    “You Failed, So What?” – the author presents an integration of academia, real life stories and nuggets of wisdom to the generality of readers and students in particular. He openly shares his youthful naivete in the hope that his missteps would make your steps more audacious to a better future. “You Failed, So What?” is about striving more than it is about arriving.

  • You’re Marrying A Rich Girl, So What?

    It is a practical and situational outlook to one of the most neglected areas in the quest for marriage. What happens when a governor’s daughter falls in love with a poor prince? 

     This book raises and answers over 450 questions about love, relationships, attitudes, courtship, marriage, social status, parentage, educational background and property ownership. For example;

    • What is Love?
    • How to navigate a relationship that is in the realms of a fairy tale, into reality? 
    • What’s wrong if a “poor prince” marries well?
    • What do you do if you are the poor prince in love with the governor’s daughter?
    • How do governors arrive at their conclusions on who their daughters should marry?
    • How do governors arrive at who they do not approve of?
    • How should the idea of property co-ownership be treated in a lopsided relationship?

     “You’re Marrying A Rich Girl, So What?” gives deep insights into most pre-marital and initial marriage problems, which most rich ladies are likely to face when they decide to marry seemingly underprivileged gentlemen. 

     This book speaks to the differences that arise from relationships of very privileged ladies – whom we prefer to refer to as governors’ daughters, and underprivileged gentlemen – whom we choose to call “poor princes”

     It serves as a “guide” to privileged ladies to know and understand some of the fears, frustrations, and suspicions of underprivileged men, when it comes to courtship with the aim of marriage and the issues of property ownership, money, influence and the future of their children. 

     Also, it provides assistance to men with “challenging backgrounds”, who find themselves in love, dating, or enthusiastically preparing to marry ladies from very wealthy homes, or ladies with privilege backgrounds – resulting in lopsided marriages

     Most importantly, it is to help the privileged ladies know which of the potential gentlemen their fathers – the governors would agree for them to marry. 

    Read this book before you say “I do”.

  • She Wasn’t The Gold After All

    She Wasn’t The Gold After All is based on a true love story. The author shares a story of a young man who was caught in the web of a “cunning woman” he met on Facebook.

    The young man, thinking he had found a treasure in a Good Samaritan in the most awkward way while he was not expecting it, ended up with the worst disappointment and heartbreak, leading to a divorce that changed his perspective about life, love and people.

  • Unlocking Your Untapped Abilities: The Pathway to Self Discovery

    Unlocking Your Untapped Abilities : The Pathway to Self Discovery is a transformative guide that inspires readers to uncover their unique talents and passions. Through powerful stories, practical advice and insightful examples, this book provides a blueprint for unlocking your true potential and living a fulfilling life. 

    Learning the importance of self – awareness, embracing a growth mindset, and overcoming barriers. Discover strategies for nurturing your talents, embracing failure asa learning opportunity, and putting your gifts to work. Explore the power of faith and perseverance in the face of adversity. 

    Unlocking Your Untapped Abilities is a must – read for anyone seeking to unleash their hidden potential and embark on a journey of personal growth and self- discovery. Begin your journey towards unlocking your untapped abilities and embrace the you were destined to live. 

  • Odd Numbers: Building a Meaningful Career

    Career Coach and Communications Consultant, Antoinette Gyan discusses how to develop a meaningful career in her book, ‘Odd Numbers’.

    The inspirational writer has provided a reflection on career development and how to harness an individual’s best abilities to forge a worthy career and a meaningful life. From dealing with fear to improving mindset to career planning tips, the author craftly fuses her internal monologues and experiences of career development, career planning course and life and career essentials.

    With several ideas on personal and career development and an opportunity to prepare a career plan that will guide a person’s career development path, ‘Odd Numbers’ provides the space for personal reflection on a subject that all individuals grapple with yet left unaddressed.

    If you are a beginner or a mid-career professional, this simplified career development guide will improve your awareness on important steps and options available to you to build a thriving career.

  • Room 5005

    Media and TV personality Oheneyere Gifty Anti shares her 14-day mandatory quarantine experience. The book serves as an inspirational piece for individuals going through sudden and unexpected life changes.

    Room 5005

  • Broken But Beautiful

  • When Strong Women Cry

    “There is nothing more painful for a strong woman than when she is told to be strong or applauded for being strong, when in actual fact, she is broken and dying silently inside, hoping and wishing she could let it all out. It really hurts, especially, when she has been projecting herself, personally, as a strong woman”. Oheneyere Gifty Anti.

  • Fifty Nuggets @ 50

    Sharing priceless lessons, Fifty Nuggets @ 50 is a memoir documenting success, pain, betrayal, faith, fear and a fervent desire for the reader to find strength to live a purposeful life.

  • 12 Dates with Autism and the Holy Spirit

    This book is a collection of experiences and lessons that demonstrate that in an uncertain world we can still know that God is in control. The Bible assures us that because God cares for and suffers our pains with us, He will not fail in executing His promises of deliverance and a perfect life for us in the end.

    The narratives herein point to the need for an understanding and appreciation of scriptures in everyday situations. Believers can obey the scriptures as God’s reliable guidance for living by faith, and this book encourages all persons who by reason of certain physical and or psychological disabilities feel beaten down, weary and discouraged to know that they are not alone. There is assurance in the Bible and in the reality of living with the Holy Spirit, that you can weather the storm and move ahead with a smile of victory. This book will help you learn those lessons and live that life.

  • The Supreme Task of the Church

    As much as believers want to hearken to the Great Commission, we seem to shy away from this call. Restricted with limited resources on ways to approach, strategies to pursue, and how to win souls and make disciples of them, we let our generations down.

    This book is a great resource containing biblical, experiential, and practical knowledge that empowers every believer to fulfill the divine mandate to win souls. It answers frequently asked questions we encounter as we set out to obey God regarding this call.

  • Managing Distant Relationships: A Bite!

    Managing Distant Relationships: A Bite! is a book born out of the personal experience in distant relationships of the author. The author believes that, for the best result, follow the manufacturer’s instructions, where the manufacturer here is God. The book talks about the unpredictability of life, which in turn affects relationships, especially marriage.

    The book deals with the purpose of marriage as the Bible wants it and the new normal of today – distant relationship.

    Mark 10:9 reads, “What therefore the Lord has joined together, let no man separate”. This book is recommended for all people in relationships as it deals with the various forms of distant relationships, causes and effects, and the likely way out.

  • Power Capsules

    This book is full of lessons meant to motivate and inspire readers. Everyone sometimes will need some motivation to keep pursuing their life’s goals. The content is born out of daily life experiences and covers several aspects of life. It is meant to give readers positive thoughts to meditate on in a very practical way.

    It is simply written and straight to the point. It can be used by children, adults, kings and queens, pastors, student, political leaders, sportsmen, etc. Readers can adopt it for daily readings and have the opportunity to write down their own thoughts.

    The quotes and lessons are power capsules which shall release the dose of motivation to enable readers to face life with the positive energy needed to conquer life’s challenges. Read it carefully and make sure you stay motivated. Enjoy!

    Power Capsules


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