• Ordained by the Oracle (African Writers Series, AWS55)

    Boateng, a prosperous trader in Elmina, has the beginnings of disbelief in the old customs. His wife dies suddenly and he is put through forty days and forty nights of rituals. The conflicting strains of emotion on social behavior are vividly shown by this practised writer.
  • The Return of the Falcon

    Drobonso stands at the crossroads. The paramountcy and the chief priest, custodian of the traditional and cultural customs of the state are entangled.

    The emerging Christian churches misconstrue the reasons for enactment and consolidation of these ancestral relics.

    In the ensuing struggle, the writer presents an exposition on the rather “Primitive” values of our tradition and the effect of modernization on our society.

    The narrator explores memories and engages the reader in dialogue.

  • Màmá, It’s a Girl

    Available from 4th September, 2023

    For years, the people of KAMINWANAGA have lived by specific rules and traditions, but the birth of a feisty, determined and resilient young girl would shake up the whole village.

    Her curiosity about the world beyond KAMINWANAGA and determination not to be a statistic leads to a series of life-altering events that causes her to grow into the woman who would change the course of history for her people.

  • The Military, My Life: 43 Years – 5 Months – 25 Days: Autobiography

    The Military, My Life: 43 Years – 5 Months – 25 Days: Autobiography is General Frimpong’s fifth book.

    Starting from his primary school days across Ghana, his secondary education and enlistment into the Ghana Armed Forces in 1970, he discusses his long career in the military, community service, diplomatic life, incursions into academia, retirement in 2014 after over forty-three years’ service, and life after retirement.

    He also discusses his sojourns in Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Canada and the USA.

    Maj Don-Chebe states in the Foreword:

    “For the officers who have schooled peacefully and smoothly in the Ghana Armed Forces, spare a thought for officers like Brig Gen Dan Frimpong, who blazed the trail and suffered all kinds of indignities to his person and unholy twists in his career path. His numerous runs-in with the Military High Command is a subject that should inform commanders at various levels that, a knowledge-based and future-focused Armed Forces needs a certain kind of officer hungry for knowledge and determined to compete with the best inside and outside.

    “The autobiography of Brig Gen Dan Frimpong should give hope and confidence to young persons, inside and outside the Military to continue to pursue their dreams and aspirations. Any setback can only be temporary; persistence, perseverance, determination and grit should drive you forward.”

  • 24 and Gnashing

    I don’t know about you, but growing up is scary, confusing and it doesn’t get any better especially if you’re gnashing.

    Actually, it is both funny and depressing like forcing a little kid to dance.

    But we move on despite the pain, the joy, and rejections towards whatever end.

    24 and Gnashing is a journey through the mind of a 24-year-old striding through the defining decade.

    It talks about heartbreaks, faith, fear, the joy of friends and family, and maybe hope.

    24 and Gnashing

  • Prejudice

    The story of the marriage of Mercy Owusu and her husband is told by one of Ghana’s humorous writers, Asare Konadu, under a pseudonym used for his light-hearted novels.

    A bestseller, Prejudice is one of the most starkly moving parables ever written of the forces that shape or mar many marriages of today – patience, determination, thoughtfulness, quarrels, nagging, relations with in-laws, etc.

    Beginning with a tiny incident between the couple, it ends by being as deep and as captivating as love itself.


  • Lagos to London

    A tale of two Nigerian students Remi Coker and Nnamdi Okonkwo from different backgrounds who leave the shores of Nigeria full of hope to further their education abroad. Remi from the prestigious Coker family is expected to return home after her law degree to run the family law firm and Nnamdi, frustrated by the federal university strikes plans to escape Nigeria and never return.

    The story follows their journey of newfound freedom, self-discovery, hope, unexpected turns, lessons, and the realities of life in the United Kingdom.

    Lagos to London

  • The Lawyer Who Bungled His Life

    The Lawyer Who Bungled His Life is a novel revealing the lasting challenges that young people face within today’s multicultural society. With humour and imagination, Asare Konadu presents the story of a young man whose desire for a new identity entangles himself in a web of frustration and dejection.

    The events of the hero’s struggles are rendered realistically.

  • A Husband for Esi Ellua

    Dramatic and Haunting…this is the story of the consuming bravery of a man over whose love for a woman falls the shadow of imminent disaster.

    It is set in the Second World War in shattered Gold Coast (now Ghana) where husbands torn from their wives and children found themselves in places undreamt of only a few months before. Amid the gaiety and clatter of Army life, the man and woman play out dramas with perilous intensity to the final moment of disaster.

    Filled with brilliance and fascination.

  • Retirement Musings

    This collection of articles in the author’s personality captured in writing. They show his versatility and depth. General Frimpong’s writing is a model for writing crisp, straight-to-the-opinion pieces for mass circulation newspapers. But that doesn’t mean the pieces are dry. On the contrary, they shine with his sense of humour while retaining the discipline of word economy and sweet crunchy sentences.

    It is especially telling that the General studied and taught at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ghana, Legon. No subject is off limit and all thoughts are allowed! So, he discusses football, discipline, Kofi Annan, history and airplanes in this breathless book which reads like a single narrative, even though it is a collection of stories.

  • You Are Dearly Loved

    When mama loses her only child to suicide, she is overcome with grief and depression. Knowing she needs all the help she can get, Maame is introduced to a support group where she meets parents who share the same fate as her. They share their stories as they embark on a path of healing from their losses.

    What could have made these young ones take their lives? Is suicide really the easy way out of hardships life throws at us?

    Follow the story of Maame who battles the prejudice of a Ghanaian society who blame parents for the suicide of their children and the grief that makes her suicidal.

    This book is for those who battle the abyss of depression and need a way out. It is for those who forget that suicide destroys not just the life taken but also the lives of the people left behind.

  • Infinite Roots

    “I must tell you my history,” Baba would roar, “the history you learn at school is not better than that which I have to tell you. My history concerns you directly, it is who you are, what you are, and what you’re going to become.”

    “…woven in an unbroken thread of prose…in a complex, digressive narrative that is like a set of Chinese boxes (or those Russian Matryoshka dolls), one laid inside another.” — Literary Review

    Infinite Roots follows the multi-generational story of a Ghanaian military family, composed through the eyes of a young daughter learning about her history and culture through the many stories of her parents and elders. This autobiographical novel spreads out across the 60s and 80s Ghana as the military family journeys from Wa to Tamale to Accra to Kumasi to Takoradi to Ho and more. As the young girl grows, she also begins to share her own re-tellings as her elders once did.

    “…it is an incredible survey of Ghanaian traditions, customs, superstitions and beliefs, as well as social and political history and the emergence of female education.” — Lee Oliver

    Infinite Roots

  • Victims of Hope

    She grows up in a village in Ghana. Efia questions the things around her but she must learn to live with the rich but rigid culture.
    When she boards the flight to pursue a law degree at Harvard, little does she know what shocking punches life will throw at her in Boston. She returns home armed with a Law Degree, only to realize there is so much more to life in Africa, than her “book knowledge”.

    Efia falls for Big Joe. He is a great lover but he comes with great trouble. Is he also dating the only daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Ghana, the ruthless Alhaji Yusif?  Alas, Efia is already pregnant.

    Alhaji is not one to forgive… He does not.

    Ansah, Efia’s brother steps in with a plan. His sister does not deserve this.

    The yam that will burn, will burn boiled or roasted.

    Victims of Hope

  • Zeb Silhouette

    Zeb Olima Jefferson is a bold and inspiring character. Determined to live her life according to her own rules, she travels from a dangerous relationship in Nigeria to life as an immigrant in America and then back to Nigeria again. There she faces a challenge that threatens her very sanity. This is a moving, shocking and compelling novel.

    Zeb Silhouette

  • Just Between Us: Highly Sensitive Matrimonial Love Letters

    If you had the opportunity to write a critical letter to your spouse, what would the content of that letter be, especially if no one else but just the two of you would ever know what you wrote?

    In Just Between Us, twenty-four love-constrained people, having travelled several years into their matrimony, write letters to their spouses, revealing top secrets, scandalous confessions, bizarre observations, childish suspicions, irreversible regrets, real fear, unbelievable actions, and even laughable inhibitions – all of them quite shocking and a bit disturbing.

    “This is a work of fiction,” admits the author, “the figment of a fertile imagination.” Yet, this product of the author’s thought is so real that it will challenge your own wildest ideas about matrimonial relationships.

    You will find the stories in these letters to be highly sensitive and sometimes uncomfortable, but they are unforgettable and deeply touching.

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