• History in the Mirror

    “Voices of children running to safety from a torrential rain, woke him up to a mandatory service he owes his nation. He would have been over the moon about it, but the posting.”

    Saando Tani’s fears of undertaking a service he owes his nation in a faraway village, soon makes him the subject of attraction in a tipsy love triangle involving; Mrs Tsorgali who thinks Saando’s arrival is the end of her ill relationships, and Sena, a maiden taken on by youthful exuberance. The question of whether he will be there when they need him the most, forms the themes of the story.

  • In Pursuit of True Love

    This book is about how to get your marriage off on the right start or correct the foundational errors if already married. It is possible to avoid an unending drama of pain and stress that can be acted out before your very eyes by the same person professing love, promises passion and fidelity, and perhaps moved heaven and earth just to get you to marry him/her. Do not come to a place where you have to choose divorce because a celebrity says it is ok. It’s not a walk in the park but more like living the rest of your life being followed by a dead body that refuses to be buried. However, it is better to be unmarried than suffer a slow agonizing death at the hands of a lover because it’s ‘till death do us part’.

    There are men who were willing to pay more than what was being requested as their lady’s bride price, even now after 20 years of marriage, likewise women who find it worth submitting themselves under their man’s leadership, and it’s all because right from the start, there was evidence of progress attributable to their partner’s efforts. You too can experience same if only you choose to elevate the conversation beyond the façade, the sex hype and the imaginary competition you wish to win or is being forced into. Focus rather on the true purpose of and your motive for marriage, give attention to your individual worth, life direction, capacity to endure inevitable trials and openness to adjustments.

    So before you initiate the relationship or take a step into marriage, take the time to first establish a solid reason for choosing that particular person over others, because the kind of person you marry is the evidence of how much you love yourself.

  • Deviant Boy

    Age Range: 9+ years

    Kweku Minkah Eshun, the protagonist is a reformed thief and a school drop-out. He received a letter from a Canadian researcher and volunteer asking him to go to Accra and collect some documents from an American engineer consultant.
    Kweku embarked on the trip the following day on a “Government Transport”. In the course of the journey Kweku fell asleep and started dreaming… a chronology of his life story.


    Deviant Boy

  • The Compulsive Gambler

    Frank, a brilliant and hardworking young man who just completed high school, had always aspired to become a medical doctor.

    The once hardworking and trustworthy Frank had now turned into a serial gambler. He would defraud and dupe anyone at the slightest chance to get something to gamble. Upon all this, Frank held his reputation in high esteem and would not sacrifice it for anything. What was so fascinating about his cheating lifestyle was how his shenanigans were usually well orchestrated. He would always find a way to squeeze money out of people and still receive laudatory for it.

    How did he get involved with gambling in the first place? Was he able to perpetrate his furtivity on all the innocent victims and get away with it? What could have caused the sudden change in Frank’s character?

    Frank, starting to turn over a new leaf after realizing he was treading the wrong course, managed to obtain a scholarship to study medicine in Cuba due to his intelligence and hard work as a pupil-teacher. What happened to his scholarship? Will he become that medical doctor?

  • Wuthering Heights (Great Stories in Easy English)

    Wuthering Heights is one of the most famous love stories in the English language. It is also, as the Introduction to this edition reveals, one of the most potent revenge narratives. Its ingenious narrative structure, vivid evocation of landscape, and the extraordinary power of its depiction of love and hatred have given it a unique place in English literature. The passionate tale of Catherine and Heathcliff is here presented in a new edition that examines the qualities that make it such a powerful and compelling novel. The Introduction by Helen Small sheds light on the novel’s oddness and power, its amorality and Romantic influences, its structure and narration, and the sadistic violence embodied in the character of Heathcliff.

  • Form 2D: Term 2 – Grandma Police

    Grandma Akpeko, Belinda’s paternal grandmother, arrived from Canada as expected. She was a very strict person. ‘A disciplinarian’, ‘A no-nonsense person’ and other titles were given to her by Belinda, her siblings and even her schoolmates! How did Belinda’s schoolmates get to know about Grandma Akpeko and nickname her ‘Grandma Police’?
    Find out in the fifth book in the Dyllis School Series.
  • Journeys of an African Father

    Chamba Jato was a witty old man full of practical wisdom and a lively attitude to work and life. This biographical book is full of such valuable lessons from the old man’s journeys of experiences.

  • Choices: Memorable Short Stories

    Choices is a set of memorable short stories of young people. It has practical situational dilemmas you can easily relate to as you enjoy the stories. The choices these young people made determined their destiny. Make a good choice now.

  • Victims of Circumstance

    Victims of Circumstance is based on the Igbo cultural practice of Osu Caste system. In the course of the narrative, the descendants of Ezeako automatically become Osu-outcasts-following the sacrifice of their father, Ezeako, to an oracle of Ogwugwu.

    Having assumed this status, the Ezeako children who have now become a village (Umuezeako) are no longer treated as free citizens but rather as social outcasts.

    This discrimination culminates in the collapse of the relationship between Ego and Nduka.

  • Adiza’s Dazzle

    Age Range: 9-16 years

    Adiza, the charcoal seller’s daughter, was constantly called ugly just because of her skin colour.

    Since there was nothing she could do to change her appearance, she channelled her energy into changing their opinion about her.

    How did she do it?

    Follow Adiza’s journey as she dazzles you on her way to the top.


  • Sam’s Wish

    Age Range: 6-10 years

    If I could, I would

    fly high and fly low…

    Sam’s wish is to see the world; so, he goes on an adventure into the wild.

    What would make him want to come back home?

    Sam’s Wish

  • How Big is the Sun

    Age range: 6-10 years

    Little Kukua’s curiosity takes her on an adventure into space, where she lands on the moon and learns about the various elements in the sky.

  • Adisa: A Lost Hope

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    After years of trying to conceive, Mr and Mrs Salifu are blessed with a beautiful and intelligent daughter, Adisa. All is well until she meets the deceitful Ben Brisco who takes her life on a downward turn.

    This short story summarises the vulnerability of many young girls and women who are often lured into unhealthy relationships and are trafficked to work under horrible circumstances, sometimes even as sex slaves. The damage done these people is sometimes irreparable and can mar them for life.

    The story emphasises the need to educate girls very early on in their development, to be cautious in their love relationships especially with men who may seem too good to be true.

  • Mama’s Dream

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    Mama at a very tender age displays keen interest in health and medicine. She burns the midnight candle and forgoes all the pleasures of life to realize her dreams. Her frustrations start when she decides to leave Ghana Medical School to pursue her dream career in the most sought for pharmacy school in the USA. She is frustrated by the consular of the American Embassy in Ghana, the airline’s inability to take her to her destination at the right time due to bad weather, getting stuck in a hotel lift and her bag damaged by thieves.

    In spite of her setbacks, Mama gets usually helpful assistance from all quarters to enable her finish her doctorate in pharmacy ahead of time. Mama’s parents are in the US to attend her graduation. Her happy father thanks God and all helpful friends for making Mama’s dreams come true.

    Mama’s Dream will inspire young readers to seek divine direction to pursue their heart’s desires.

    Questions, Language Study and Glossary have been set at each chapter to guide the children in their study of the English language.

    Mama’s Dream

  • Aseye’s Journey

    Aseye’s expected vacation takes an unfortunate twist when she loses both parents in a car crash. Her uncle extends a hand of support to her and her twin siblings, Elorm and Enam. Aba, Uncle Raymond’s wife, makes Aseye’s stay a horrifying one. When Aseye is forced out of her uncle’s house, she leaves behind her siblings for no fault of hers, and suffers at the hands of Joojo, a benefactor who later abuses her.

    Through a life of dejection, betrayal, and suffering, Aseye finally meets Amartey Hammond, a young man who offers her genuine assistance to see Aseye attain her dream.

    Aseye’s Journey is a one of uncertainty, pain, gloom and, finally, hope.

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