• The Necklace of Relur 2 (Kagim Chronicles)

    Age Range: 13 – 16 years

    Still trapped in a strange land, Chidum and his team must work together in a race against time to rescue the kingdom of Kagim from the wicked King Kroz and also find a way back home safely. Find out how this exciting adventure comes to an end.

  • Owuo Agyaa (Asante Twi)

    This novel educates on the cleanliness and advises that every community should endeavor to live in a clean environment.

  • E-Book: Kenkey For Ewes And Other Very Short Stories

    This anthology contains 25 new stories, and 25 ‘old’ stories, which we consider to be some of the best published on the flashfictionghana.com blog. Thus, this anthology is in many ways a natural outgrowth of the work already being done on the blog. These stories carry the spirit with which FlashFictionGhana was born; to use this convenient genre as a way of bringing to life the Ghanaian experience in all its varied facets.

    These stories represent the budding creative spirit of the current generation of young Ghanaian writers. These new voices have become the refreshing perspective from which to consider the Ghanaian narrative in a thousand or less words.

    Happy reading!

  • All Around the World (JAWS Starters, Starter Level 3)

    Age Range: 3 – 6 years

    JAWS Starters are simple books for young readers in Africa. The series provides interesting stories to encourage children to read for pleasure.

    The books are at three levels. Level 1 is for children who have just begun to read by themselves. Level 2 and 3 use progressively wider vocabulary and more complex sentence structures. The language has been carefully controlled at each level to make reading easy. Also, there are pictures on every page to help the pupils follow the story. At Level 1, pupils can follow the story from the pictures alone.

    There are activities at the end of each book. If a word in an African language is used in the story, there will be a note of its meaning at the end of the book as well.

  • Tumelo and the Blue Birds (JAWS Starters, Starter Level 3)

    Age Range: 3 – 6 years

    In this story Tumelo embarks on a fantastical flying journey after hearing strange noises in bed.

    JAWS Starters are simple books for young readers in Africa. The series provides interesting stories to encourage children to read for pleasure.

    The books are at three levels. Level 1 is for children who have just begun to read by themselves. Level 2 and 3 use progressively wider vocabulary and more complex sentence structures. The language has been carefully controlled at each level to make reading easy. Also, there are pictures on every page to help the pupils follow the story. At Level 1, pupils can follow the story from the pictures alone.

    There are activities at the end of each book. If a word in an African language is used in the story, there will be a note of its meaning at the end of the book as well.

  • A Man for all Seasons

    This remarkable novel touches on the forces that rule the destiny of individuals and nations, and reveals an answer to the existential questions: Why do good people suffer? What can we do to attain a problem-free life?

    Thus, we see Ikenna, a university graduate who is hounded and persecuted by the high and mighty, Alex and Max who in turn face their own tribulations in the hands of invisible enemies. In the end, power fails, wealth fails but in love and humility we find redeeming virtues.

  • Ti Bɔm Yɛm (Dagbani)

    This book contains some interesting stories in Dagbani that teach the values of good morals.

  • History in the Mirror

    “Voices of children running to safety from a torrential rain, woke him up to a mandatory service he owes his nation. He would have been over the moon about it, but the posting.”

    Saando Tani’s fears of undertaking a service he owes his nation in a faraway village, soon makes him the subject of attraction in a tipsy love triangle involving; Mrs Tsorgali who thinks Saando’s arrival is the end of her ill relationships, and Sena, a maiden taken on by youthful exuberance. The question of whether he will be there when they need him the most, forms the themes of the story.

  • In Pursuit of True Love

    This book is about how to get your marriage off on the right start or correct the foundational errors if already married. It is possible to avoid an unending drama of pain and stress that can be acted out before your very eyes by the same person professing love, promises passion and fidelity, and perhaps moved heaven and earth just to get you to marry him/her. Do not come to a place where you have to choose divorce because a celebrity says it is ok. It’s not a walk in the park but more like living the rest of your life being followed by a dead body that refuses to be buried. However, it is better to be unmarried than suffer a slow agonizing death at the hands of a lover because it’s ‘till death do us part’.

    There are men who were willing to pay more than what was being requested as their lady’s bride price, even now after 20 years of marriage, likewise women who find it worth submitting themselves under their man’s leadership, and it’s all because right from the start, there was evidence of progress attributable to their partner’s efforts. You too can experience same if only you choose to elevate the conversation beyond the façade, the sex hype and the imaginary competition you wish to win or is being forced into. Focus rather on the true purpose of and your motive for marriage, give attention to your individual worth, life direction, capacity to endure inevitable trials and openness to adjustments.

    So before you initiate the relationship or take a step into marriage, take the time to first establish a solid reason for choosing that particular person over others, because the kind of person you marry is the evidence of how much you love yourself.

  • Wuthering Heights (Great Stories in Easy English)

    Wuthering Heights is one of the most famous love stories in the English language. It is also, as the Introduction to this edition reveals, one of the most potent revenge narratives. Its ingenious narrative structure, vivid evocation of landscape, and the extraordinary power of its depiction of love and hatred have given it a unique place in English literature. The passionate tale of Catherine and Heathcliff is here presented in a new edition that examines the qualities that make it such a powerful and compelling novel. The Introduction by Helen Small sheds light on the novel’s oddness and power, its amorality and Romantic influences, its structure and narration, and the sadistic violence embodied in the character of Heathcliff.

  • Victims of Circumstance

    Victims of Circumstance is based on the Igbo cultural practice of Osu Caste system. In the course of the narrative, the descendants of Ezeako automatically become Osu-outcasts-following the sacrifice of their father, Ezeako, to an oracle of Ogwugwu.

    Having assumed this status, the Ezeako children who have now become a village (Umuezeako) are no longer treated as free citizens but rather as social outcasts.

    This discrimination culminates in the collapse of the relationship between Ego and Nduka.

  • The Magic Pool (Junior African Writers Series Level 2)

    Level 2 is suited to learners who have been studying English for 4-5 years. Short sentences and a large number of illustrations combine to make these books both enjoyable and easy to read, either individually or in class. Learners have a wide variety of stories to choose from.

    Was it true that no one ever came back from the Magic Pool? Did a dangerous python really live there? On the last day of the holidays, Boni, Lorato and Kagiso decide to go and see for themselves.

  • Dog Dip (Junior African Writers Series Level 2)

    Level 2 is suited to learners who have been studying English for 4-5 years. Short sentences and a large number of illustrations combine to make these books both enjoyable and easy to read, either individually or in class. Learners have a wide variety of stories to choose from.

    Jerami lives near the dog dip in a town in Malawi. He wants a dog of his own, but his mother won’t agree. Then one day he looks after a lost dog and hides it away. What will happen when his secret is discovered?

  • Taxi to Johannesburg (Junior African Writers Series Level 1)

    Level 1 is for readers who have been studying for three to four years. The content and language have been carefully controlled to increase fluency in reading.

    Tumi is going to Johannesburg by taxi. But the taxi breaks down and then it is stopped by a policeman. Will Tumi ever get to Johannesburg?

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