• Asoo Ɔ Ye Nwomenle Ɔ? (Nzema)

    Asoo Ɔ Ye Nwomenle Ɔ contains a true story of teacher Koasi, whose wife , Afibah used to tell him during conversation that if ever she died, he, teacher Koasi, would have his house haunted. She died about two years later during child-birth and the house became haunted as prophesies by her.

    The husband married another lady by name Akasi who was very often possessed by the former wife’s ghost. Any time Akasi (the present wife) was possessed, she prophesied and all her prophecies came to pass. On one occasion when Akasi became possessed by Afibah’s ghost, she told her husband that his wife, Akasi, would have a child fifteen months after she has taken seed and that he should name the child after her (the deceased); the baby’s name should be, “Koasi’s wife, Afibah,” failing which it would die two weeks after it has been born.

    Akasi had a baby fifteen months after having taken seed as prophesied but because her husband refused to name the child after the late wife, the baby died two weeks after it had been born. Afibah’s ghost possessed Akasi again and warned the husband that if he was not prepared to name the next child after she would see to it that his wife, Akasi, dies during child-birth. The husband named the child “Koasi Afiba” instead of “Koasi’s wife, Afibah,”.

  • Avo Nee Koasi Ama Ekyi (Nzema)

    This book deals with the emergence of two states within the Nzema state.

    Originally, the Nzema state was one entity but as the succession to the throne changed hands, one Paramount Chief moved the throne to another capital within the Nzema state.This brought a bitter quarrel between two opposing factions which later generated into a civil war in the whole Nzema State.

    The two opposing factions fought well over six years and after the then Governor of the Gold coast had intervened, a parley was convened and after they had settled their differences in the interest of peace and mutual co-existence, they agreed to the creation of two states, i.e. Eastern and Western Nzema, with two Paramount Chiefs.

  • Language Guide (Kasem)

    Kasem is a tonal language and is generally spoken in musical tone. Therefore a tonal difference in Kasem may alter the meaning of a word.

    The third edition of this Language Guide has been revised and compiled to help a learner find out his or her way with minimum difficulty in the Kasem speaking area.

  • Ɛbɛlalekonle (Nzema)

    Ɛbɛlalekonle teaches good morals to all,especially the youth.The main character,Ɛbɛlalekonle, was adopted by a philanthropist after he had lost both parents.

    Despite the fatherly love and care he had from the philanthropist,he followed bad friends and got involved in a fatal lorry accident in a foreign county.Thanks to the media,his Foster father was able to trace him at his hospital bed.Having been discharged from the hospital he returned home with the foster parents.By God’s grace,he learnt a great lesson,went into farming as a profession and later became a very rich and respected person in society.

  • Bɛmaa Yɛdo Nwɔra: Book 2 (Nzema)

    This book  is a collection of four(4) illustrated folktales in Nzema

  • Bɛmaa Yɛdo Nwɔra: Book 3 (Nzema)

    This book  is a collection of four(4) illustrated folktales in Nzema

  • Bɛmaa Yɛdo Nwɔra: Book 1 (Nzema)

    This book  is a collection of four(4) illustrated folktales in Nzema

  • A Li Nɔ Nɛ Ba Puɔ Nɔ (Dangme)

    A Li Nɔ Nɛ Ba Puɔ Nɔ is a Dangme expression meaning no one knows his benefactor.

    The story is about a couple who went to settle in a neighbouring village to work. But, as if by design, they neither found life easier there.

    Not long after they had settled, the wife died of a very serious disease which was a taboo to the fetish of their host clan. How the widower was faced with the problems of pacifying the clan, and caring for their only child, forms the core of the novel.

    The eventual reward of his toils and sweat in educating this child did not, however, fail to materialise.

  • Je Parle Francais Pupil’s WorkBook 5

    This is one of the three volumes of Je Parle Francais workbooks intended for primary four, five and six classes. The methodology aims at promoting contemporary communicative and authentic use of the French Language Skills – reading, speaking, writing and listening.

    The many exercises cover a wide range of themes and the workbooks are to be used with the Pupil’s books at the corresponding stages. They are designed to help the pupils have active control of the vocabulary and structure.

    The dialogue written in simple and natural French accompany each lesson. It is sufficiently short to be learnt and acted by the pupils.

    The cultural contexts of the lessons will enable the pupils to experience a world beyond school and classroom.

  • Sɛmanyia

    Suitable for the general public and Junior High Schools.

    A comprehension book with questions for the pupil to better understand the text.


  • Je Parle Francais: French Book 5

    This is one of the three volumes of Je Parle Francais intended for primary four, five and six classes. The methodology aims at promoting contemporary communicative and authentic use of the French Language Skills – reading, speaking, writing and listening.

    The passages cover a wide range of themes. The exercises are many and varied. They are designed to help the pupils have active control of the vocabulary and structure.

    The dialogue written in simple and natural French accompany each lesson. It is sufficiently short to be learnt and acted by the pupils.

    The cultural contexts of the lessons will enable the pupils to experience a world beyond school and classroom.

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