• Ga Nileegbɛ (Ga Kanemɔ Wolo, Book 5)

    Ga has had a relatively longer period of written traditions. Starting in 1853-54, the “Ga Kanemɔ wolo” series were followed by the “Kanemɔ ni okwɛ” series and these were followed by the “Nileegbɛ” series which is still used in the basic schools.

  • Jeŋba He Ehia (Ga)

    Jeŋba He Ehia-Good character pays- is a novel on the reminiscences of school days.The hero is a self assertive boy by name Owula Kwao ,who took delight in kicking against authority and restraint,under such instinct and inspite of all homely advice at home and school.Owula Kwao became a misfit in society.

    The story ends with Owula Kwao,a grown-up with a leg amputated ,regretting that it was too late to undo the misdeeds of early life.

  • Ga Nileegbɛ (Ga Kanemɔ Wolo, Book 4)

    Ga has had a relatively longer period of written traditions. Starting in 1853-54, the “Ga Kanemɔ wolo” series were followed by the “Kanemɔ ni okwɛ” series and these were followed by the “Nileegbɛ” series which is still used in the basic schools.

  • Ga Nileegbɛ (Ga Kanemɔ Wolo, Book 3A)

    Ga has had a relatively longer period of written traditions. Starting in 1853-54, the “Ga Kanemɔ wolo” series were followed by the “Kanemɔ ni okwɛ” series and these were followed by the “Nileegbɛ” series which is still used in the basic schools.

  • Ga Nileegbɛ (Ga Kanemɔ Wolo, Book 2B)

    Ga has had a relatively longer period of written traditions. Starting in 1853-54, the “Ga Kanemɔ wolo” series were followed by the “Kanemɔ ni okwɛ” series and these were followed by the “Nileegbɛ” series which is still used in the basic schools.

  • Ga Nileegbɛ (Ga Kanemɔ Wolo, Book 3B)

    Ga has had a relatively longer period of written traditions. Starting in 1853-54, the “Ga Kanemɔ wolo” series were followed by the “Kanemɔ ni okwɛ” series and these were followed by the “Nileegbɛ” series which is still used in the basic schools.

  • Ga Nileegbɛ (Ga Kanemɔ Wolo, Book 2A)

    Ga has had a relatively longer period of written traditions. Starting in 1853-54, the “Ga Kanemɔ wolo” series were followed by the “Kanemɔ ni okwɛ” series and these were followed by the “Nileegbɛ” series which is still used in the basic schools.

  • Ga Nileegbɛ (Ga Kanemɔ Wolo, Book 1)

    Ga has had a relatively longer period of written traditions. Starting in 1853-54, the “Ga Kanemɔ wolo” series were followed by the “Kanemɔ ni okwɛ” series and these were followed by the “Nileegbɛ” series which is still used in the basic schools.

  • Mimi Pɛɛse (Asante Twi)

    Age Range: 2 – 7 years

    Asante Twi version of 5 books of the same story in English

    Grandma Mimi loves her home spick and span, and she likes to look smart too. She wears lively dresses and her purses always match. Especially her pink purse, which she carries everywhere.

    What happens when Grandma Mimi’s favourite pink purse gets missing?

  • Justice Denied

    This book was written soon after the suspects of the murder of the Ya-Na were arrested.

    The author followed the unveiling accounts of the murder of the Ya-Na,the commitment and indictment proceedings at the Magistrate Court.He also followed the trial of the accused persons at the High Court.

    The search for Justice for the Ya-Na became a judicial drama and a political football instead.Some key players in the search exhibited palpable incompetence and nonchalance while others showed unpardonable bias in the performance of their judicial and legal duties. In resistance to the search for justice all kinds of novel and spurious legal arguments were raised ,including the issue of when does a confession have effect in law even if it is freely given?

    “Another spurious legal issue raised was the fact of the Ya-Na’s death .In recognition of his service to his nation and traumatic murder, the Republic of Ghana gave Naa Yakubu II a state burial on 10th April,2016. Yet in order to deny him justice and to make the law seem to be an ass,the fact of his death and identity of his body became issues in the trail of persons accused of murdering him.This kept the ordinary Ghanaian wondering where the implementers of the law were taking the country.In the end the Ya-Na was denied Justice”.

    Justice Denied

  • History and Traditions of Dagbon

    This book may be described as a panorama of life in Dagbon and as a panoply of the Dagomba. It is the first of its kind in Dagomba. It deals with the Dagomba man and woman from birth to death. The book offers an authoritative and exhaustive information on the Dagomba. It focuses on the history of the Dagomba State known as Dagbon. The indigenous system of government exemplified in the institution of chieftaincy is set out in clear and simple English. The customs and customary laws of the Dagomba relating to courtship, marriage and inheritance are exhaustively dealt with. Funeral ceremonies, festivals and markets are given adequate consideration in the text. Traditional worship, soothsaying and witchcraft, which are prevalent in African societies, are given due consideration.

    A typical Dagomba man or woman is endowed with proverbs and wise sayings. The book has not overlooked this aspect of the Dagomba people. A myriad of proverbs are set out in the book. The education of Dagomba children and the position of women in Dagomba society make interesting reading. And the history of the Dagomba common man and the rulers of foreign origin, united by social blending and history, give this book a unique character.

    Apart from writing from his personal knowledge of the history, customs, traditions and way of life of the people, the author has done a great deal of research into the subjects of this book. The Dagomba reader and a non-Dagomba reader alike will find this book a very useful companion his his or her desire to know the land and people of Dagbon.

    Primary school teachers as well as lecturers in tertiary institutions cannot do without this book when it comes to learning and teaching about the Dagomba. And foreign tourists will appreciate Dagbon and its people better when they read this book before they set foot in Dagbon. Finally, several chapters of this book may be read for pleasure. It is a book for knowledge and a book for pleasure.

  • Lãwo Ƒe Gbe

    A collection of proverbs on animals in the Ewe language.

    Lãwo Ƒe Gbe

  • Flashcards: Akuapem Twi Phonics (100 cards)

    This is a special product for the development of reading skills in Akuapim Twi language. It can be applied for both synthetic and analytical phonics as well as other learning activities like spellings.

    It comes with all graphemes of the Akuapim Twi alphabet and letter blends along with their corresponding examples. Each letter has a number of corresponding words (based on the first letter), each representing an application of the sound of the particular grapheme. It also comes with numbers in Akuapim Twi.

    The pictures and words have been carefully selected to make the learning experience pleasurable and induce diversity in the words.

  • Flashcards: Ga Phonics (102 cards)

    This is a special product for the development of reading skills in Ga language. It can be applied for both synthetic and analytical phonics as well as other learning activities like spellings.

    It comes with all 26 graphemes of the Ga alphabet and 14 letter blends along with their corresponding examples. Each letter has a number of corresponding words (based on the first letter), each representing an application of the sound of the particular grapheme. It also comes with numbers in Ga.

    The pictures and words have been carefully selected to make the learning experience pleasurable and induce diversity in the words.

  • Flashcards: Ewe Phonics (105 cards)

    This is a special product for the development of reading skills in Ewe language. It can be applied for both synthetic and analytical phonics as well as other learning activities like spellings.

    It comes with all graphemes of the Ewe alphabet and letter blends along with their corresponding examples. Each letter has a number of corresponding words (based on the first letter), each representing an application of the sound of the particular grapheme. It also comes with numbers in Ewe.

    The pictures and words have been carefully selected to make the learning experience pleasurable and induce diversity in the words.

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