• King Alboury Cooks the Best Jollof (Africa’s Little Kings & Queens)

    Age Range: 3 – 8 years

    A must-have for every child’s library. Loved by children around the world and teaches them the importance of kindness and community.

    King Alboury Cooks the Best Jollof is a fictional story inspired by King Alboury Ndiaye, the last King of the Jollof Kingdom in Senegal. A must-have for every child’s library.

    In this story, King Alboury loves to cook and his favourite meal to make is his famous jollof rice. His ancestors invented the recipe, and so he is the only one who knows the secret. However, King Alboury has a problem, his troublesome neighbours, the Chuchus people. Every time the King cooks his special Jollof rice, their tummies start to rumble so loud that they become jealous. Rumour has it that they are plotting against the Jollof Kingdom, but don’t worry, King Alboury has a plan!

  • Judgement Day: The Story of Ghana’s 2020 Election Petition from the Diary of a Journalist

    Throughout the 2020 Election Petition hearing in Ghana, the evidence, facts and theories were played out in a kind of ‘theatre’, with its own characters, costumes and settings.

    The judges, the lawyers, the witnesses and the political party supporters all strove to play their parts in the quest to establish the validity or otherwise of the petition. Judgement Day is a book that also presents the behind-the-scenes and out-of-courtroom events that had some bearing on the substantive matter in court.

    This book reproduces the story of the 2020 Presidential Election Petition in an ‘as it happened’ manner. The author also perceptibly recounts portions of the story of the 2012 Presidential Election Petition that were relevant to the 2020 Presidential Election Petition in a language that is straightforward, easy to read and easy to understand.

  • Paying My Debt: An Autobiography

    “Every human life is a unique story. Telling my life story is not for vainglory. It is not a story of heroic deeds, but the story of a humble debtor who cannot pay his debts in a lifetime. This is an attempt to look at the trails of my life which would remind me that no matter how far I have come, I am nowhere close to paying all my debts.”

    This is the opening paragraph of the autobiography of Mr Daniel Owusu-Koranteng, a Trade Unionist, human and environmental rights activist, Professional Paralegal, poet, human resource development/industrial relations practitioner and an ADR Practitioner.

  • Our Ancestories Bookset: Idia of the Benin Kingdom, Njinga of Ndongo and Matamba Plus Coloring & Activity Books (4 books)

    Age Range: 4 – 12 years

    • Children’s Africana Book Awards (CABA) – 2021 Winner – Best Books for Young Children
    • Wishing Shelf Book Award – 2020 Finalist
    • Kidsshelf Book Cover Award -2020 Winner
    • Eric Hoffer Award – Honourable Mention (Children’s Category) First Horizon Finalist Grand Prize Short List

    The complete set of the Our Ancestories books. Our picture books as well as accompanying workbooks on Queen Idia and Njinga. These are stories of hope and courage that show every young girl is capable of greatness.

    There is a deep divide between the truth of African history and the common understanding of it. Our Ancestories Bookset helps to bridge this gap through various means including stories about two African female leaders and accompanying activity and colouring books.

    This set includes:

    Idia of the Benin Kingdom (Our Ancestories)

    Njinga of Ndongo and Matamba (Our Ancestories)

    Idia of the Benin Kingdom: Coloring and Activity Book (Our Ancestories)

    Njinga of Ndongo and Matamba: Coloring and Activity Book (Our Ancestories)

    Our Ancestories’ vision is to nudge the world towards a point where:

    • There is an avid learning culture for African history.
    • People of African descent are at least as exposed to African history as we are to Western history.
    • Africans look more to our history as we pave a way for the future.
    • Legends that make up African history are mainstream and are introduced to children across the globe.
  • Swimming Upstream: The Story of Southern Cross

    Kwame Donkoh Fordwor’s dream was realized due to the precision planning which was utilized to develop Southern Cross Mining Limited (SCML), as the company established itself as the first active gold mining operation to be brought to Ghana Since 1937. This came to pass by way of chance associations and the joint efforts of collaborators who possessed different backgrounds and motivations.
    Even with the assistance of numerous people along the way, the inception of Southern Cross was not easy. It required aggressive action and time to fend or larger corporations and fight government officials for the rights and freedoms they felt they deserved.
    Fordwor titles this book Swimming Upstream: The Story of Southern Cross because of the comparisons he draws between himself and the struggles of salmon attempting to reach their spawning grounds. Much like a salmon battling currents, fishermen, and other predators to reach its final destination, Fordwor had to struggle to make his own path and place in history, using keen instincts and good fortune to maintain the competitiveness and success of SCML.
    Swimming Upstream vividly details the rich history of Southern Cross and other gold mining venturers who strived to achieve historical recognition. It is an illuminating work-powerfully written and inspirational to all who are still seeking to make a lifetime dream come true.

  • A Memoir of a Pragmatic Ghanaian Diplomat

    A Memoir of a Pragmatic Ghanaian Diplomat has fulfilled one of the author’s dreams since joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Accra, in October 1974.

    The book gives brief historical analyses of the Ga Adangme ethnic group of Ghana and Ghana as a former colony under British rule, 1844-1957. It traces the author’s early years and schooling, his undergraduate and post-graduate studies at the University of Ghana, Legon (1982-86 & 1989-90), as well as his studies at the University of Sierra-Leone (IPAM), Freetown (1992) and the China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing (2010).

    The book touches on the author’s diplomatic career in Japan, the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Great Socialist Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, where he served in various capacities, the last position being Minister, in Tripoli. It also depicts the author’s private life as a Chorister and Member of the Ghana Red Cross Society.

    The book further deals with the author’s assignments as Deputy Director of Passports, Deputy Director of State Protocol Office and his attachment to the office of His Excellency Alhaji Aliu Mahama (of blessed memory), former Vice-President of the Republic of Ghana. The book chronicles other duties the author performed at the Foreign Ministry, Accra, namely, in Administration, Finance and Accounts, Inspectorate and Audit, Americas, Europe, Africa & Regional Integration, International Organisations and Conferences, Information and Linguistics, as well as Middle East and Asia Bureaux.

    The book reviews risks, uncertainties and pressures in the Diplomatic Service and how to deal with them. It chronicles the rights, responsibilities and obligations of Diplomats, as well as the essence of doing things befitting the status of Diplomats.

    In the penultimate chapter, the author makes a proposal for the establishment of a Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration Practical Training Institute in Acera to deal exclusively with practical diplomacy, diplomatic orientation and preparation of ambassadors-designate and officers for postings to Ghana Missions abroad, to ensure effectiveness, efficiency, professionalism and sense of curiosity in diplomatic assignments abroad and at home.

    The author retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration in February 2011, having worked for almost 36 years – his last post in Accra being Director of the Middle East and Asia Bureau of the Foreign Ministry.

    The author was married to Mrs. Dorothy Nana Ama Allotey (of blessed memory) and has four children: David, Mavis, Deborah and Ruth. Mr. Allotey’s book, Ghana’s Foreign Policy in Comparison with That of Japan and Russia Since 1960 is a good textbook for students of International Relations and Diplomacy and all who desire to understand the intricate workings of foreign policy and their effects on our daily lives.

  • Masterman: History of Ghana for Basic Schools Learner’s Book 6

    The study of history helps us to know about our: past, culture and values. This series helps Learners appreciate the History of Ghana.

    The teacher’s guide for this series is the major resource material that guides the facilitator with methods, strategies and procedures. It has been written in conformity with all the exercises in the Learner’s Textbook.

  • Masterman: History of Ghana for Basic Schools Learner’s Book 3

    The study of history helps us to know about our: past, culture and values. This series helps Learners appreciate the History of Ghana.

    The teacher’s guide for this series is the major resource material that guides the facilitator with methods, strategies and procedures. It has been written in conformity with all the exercises in the Learner’s Textbook.

  • Masterman: History of Ghana for Basic Schools Learner’s Book 4

    The study of history helps us to know about our: past, culture and values. This series helps Learners appreciate the History of Ghana.

    The teacher’s guide for this series is the major resource material that guides the facilitator with methods, strategies and procedures. It has been written in conformity with all the exercises in the Learner’s Textbook.

  • Masterman: History of Ghana for Basic Schools Learner’s Book 1

    The study of history helps us to know about our: past, culture and values. This series helps Learners appreciate the History of Ghana.

    The teacher’s guide for this series is the major resource material that guides the facilitator with methods, strategies and procedures. It has been written in conformity with all the exercises in the Learner’s Textbook.

  • Red Oak Heroes Series: Dr. J. B. Danquah

    *Available from 15 August 2023

    Age Range: 10 – 14 years
    Yirivie and his friends meet a historian on a bus while they are going to school and when the historian starts educating the passengers on Dr. J. B. Danquah, they become interested and ask for his contact. Back in school, they give the contact to their History teacher and ask her to invite the historian to come to the school to tell them more. The teacher agrees and books an appointment with Mr. Ofori, the historian.
    On the day of the appointment, it doesn’t look like Mr. Ofori will show up. Yirivie and his two friends who promised their class a great time with the historian are caught in a fix but things turn around in the most unexpected way.

  • Red Oak Heroes Series: John Agyekum Kufuor

    *Available from 15 August 2023

    Age Range: 10 – 14 years

    From his childhood, he was raised to be a leader and J.A. Kufuor took advantage of every opportunity that came his way. His thoughtfulness enabled him to face all situations – a virtue that came with exceptional patience resulting in his ability to rise to the highest office of the land. At one time he was a political prisoner but that was not even enough to deter him from achieving his dream leadership. There is no wonder that this President achieved so much for Ghana. The ‘Gentle Giant’ is a man of vision and action.

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