• The Police Raid

    Age Range: 8 – 15 years

    The Police Raid states the necessary steps needed to take by law enforcement to ensure the common citizen’s safety.

    Adaex Living Youth Series are story books by some leading authors of stories for children. The stories are told in a captivating way, and help to enhance self-esteem and life skills of the youth to resist temptations that could easily lead them to ruin. This is done through stories that are drawn from the youth’s background, using characters they can identify with, and through experiences they are familiar with.

    The Police Raid

  • A Flogging at Sea

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    This early reader from Adaex enlightens young readers about how a democratic country functions and how it can be beneficial for the society.

  • This Is My Home

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

    This Is My Home

  • The Proud Sales Girl

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

  • You and Your Problems

    Age Range: 9 years and above

    In this booklet, the problem-solving method will be tried out on lots of different real-life problems. It has been written to help young people understand and solve personal problems, get along successfully with others, and make realistic educational and rational plans.

  • Living through Courtesy

    Age Range: 9 years and above

    Living Through Courtesy teaches young readers how to be courteous in their everyday lives and how effective it can be. In twenty-six lessons, readers learn the importance of making contact with others pleasant and peaceful. This books encourages you to look at yourself in relation to others and to discuss topics and problems concerning courtesy frankly and openly with your parents, friends, teachers and public officers in your country.

    Everyday you are in contact with others in one way or another, in one place or another. It is important to know how to make these contacts pleasant and peaceful.Your best of doing this is through the practice of Courtesy.

  • How to Get Along With Others

    Age Range: 9 years and above

    How to Get Along With Others teaches young readers how to cooperate by understanding and respecting their fellow peers.

    Getting along with others is a skill that can be constantly improved. This booklet is designed to help you get along successfully with others. The more you put into practice the things you already know, you will get along better with other people.

  • Guide to Good Manners

    Age Range: 9 years and above

    This book teaches young readers how to be polite and have good manners.

    The real secret to good manners is being thoughtful and considerate of others. Thoughtfulness, more than anything else, will help you get along smoothly with others.

  • Managing Distant Relationships: A Bite!

    Managing Distant Relationships: A Bite! is a book born out of the personal experience in distant relationships of the author. The author believes that, for the best result, follow the manufacturer’s instructions, where the manufacturer here is God. The book talks about the unpredictability of life, which in turn affects relationships, especially marriage.

    The book deals with the purpose of marriage as the Bible wants it and the new normal of today – distant relationship.

    Mark 10:9 reads, “What therefore the Lord has joined together, let no man separate”. This book is recommended for all people in relationships as it deals with the various forms of distant relationships, causes and effects, and the likely way out.

  • Menɔ Ji Mamii (Dangme)

    Menɔ Ji Mamii is a book of short stories drawn from experiences to teach morals.

  • Mo Dem’ Koo! (Dangme)

    The title of this book Mo Dem’ Koo! means ‘Tell me, please’, but inferringly, it means ‘Ask me how I feel, please’.

    It was against social norms for the youngster to greet, but rather appeal to the elderly to ask of his state of health, hence the title which one usually hears in some Dangbe towns in the mornings.

    The contents of Mo Dem’ Koo! are an attempt to scratch the surface of and collect some traditional salutations and greetings, as well as a few, simple customs and practices of the Dangme people.

    It is a guide to the resourceful teacher who is interested in researching into deeper depths of the contents, in order to get good material for his lesson.

  • The Stars Are Ageless

    A young woman who chooses love. A daughter who must repay her mother’s sacrifices. A filmmaker accused of stealing her own creation. A woman held up by faith, family and true friendship when her world is rocked to its very foundation. Omoni Oboli has played as many roles in life as she has on the big screen. But a movie ends and life goes on.

    The Stars are Ageless presents the true story of the woman hailed as “The Box Office Queen” of Nigerian cinema.

    These life experiences shaped Omoni into who she is, and promise that we will see much more from her.

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