• Kwadwoan: Numeracy for Kindergarten 2

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Kwadwoan Numeracy for Kindergarten

  • Abrefi’s Red Letter Day: A True Story Based on Adolescent Reproductive Health

    Age Range: 9 – 17 years

    Sex education, particularly, guidance in a girl’s first menstrual experience, has been presented in an interesting, friendly and easy to understand manner. It is good for girls, parents, counsellors and educationists all over the world.

  • Icon Series: Numeracy for Nursery

    Age Range: 3 – 5 years

    Icon Numeracy is a series of three books, namely:

    • Numeracy for Nursery (Ages 3 and 4)
    • Numeracy for KG 1
    • Numeracy for KG 2

    Each of the books was carefully prepared to cater for the need of learners at the foundation level. The books have been well prepared to meet the Standards-based Curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) in 2019. Young learners were particularly paid attention to, so they have the full benefits of these books, and prepare them adequately into the world of mathematics.

    The Numeracy for Nursery was carefully extracted from the KG Curriculum to help young learners have the requisite understanding of the basic concepts, and to enable them to move to the upper classes with ease. Besides, the language has been kept brief in both the rubrics, headings and explanation of concepts to enable the young learners to read after a little guide by teacher. The books have been divided into 7 strands, namely:

    1. Number: Counting, Representation and Cardinality
    2. Number Operations: Addition and Subtraction
    3. Patterns and Relationships
    4. Geometry
    5. Measurement
    6. Motion or Position
    7. Handling Data

    Each of the Strands (Topics) has been expanded with enough exercises to help the learner grasp the concepts. The books are activity-based and learners have the opportunity to express themselves as they learn. Group work has also been given to enable learners work in groups while learning about teamwork and communication, and collaboration.

    What makes the series easy to use, fun and exciting is the design of the book with some beautiful toys that excite the learners at this level. The books breathe enough to keep learners very active while using them. By the time learners are through with the series, they will be well-equipped with the core competencies as explained in this new standards-based curriculum.

    Learners, teachers and parents will find the series very interesting to use.

  • Icon Series: Numeracy for Kindergarten 1

    Age Range: 3 – 5 years

    Icon Numeracy is a series of three books, namely:

    • Numeracy for Nursery (Ages 3 and 4)
    • Numeracy for KG 1
    • Numeracy for KG 2

    Each of the books was carefully prepared to cater for the need of learners at the foundation level. The books have been well prepared to meet the Standards-based Curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) in 2019. Young learners were particularly paid attention to, so they have the full benefits of these books, and prepare them adequately into the world of mathematics.

    The Numeracy for KG 1 was carefully extracted from the KG Curriculum to help young learners have the requisite understanding of the basic concepts, and to enable them to move to the upper classes with ease. Besides, the language has been kept brief in both the rubrics, headings and explanation of concepts to enable the young learners to read after a little guide by teacher. The books have been divided into 7 strands, namely:

    1. Number: Counting, Representation and Cardinality
    2. Number Operations: Addition and Subtraction
    3. Patterns and Relationships
    4. Geometry
    5. Measurement
    6. Motion or Position
    7. Handling Data

    Each of the Strands (Topics) has been expanded with enough exercises to help the learner grasp the concepts. The books are activity-based and learners have the opportunity to express themselves as they learn. Group work has also been given to enable learners work in groups while learning about teamwork and communication, and collaboration.

    What makes the series easy to use, fun and exciting is the design of the book with some beautiful toys that excite the learners at this level. The books breathe enough to keep learners very active while using them. By the time learners are through with the series, they will be well-equipped with the core competencies as explained in this new standards-based curriculum.

    Learners, teachers and parents will find the series very interesting to use.

  • Icon Series: Numeracy for Kindergarten 2

    Age Range: 3 – 5 years

    Icon Numeracy is a series of three books, namely:

    • Numeracy for Nursery (Ages 3 and 4)
    • Numeracy for KG 1
    • Numeracy for KG 2

    Each of the books was carefully prepared to cater for the need of learners at the foundation level. The books have been well prepared to meet the Standards-based Curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) in 2019. Young learners were particularly paid attention to, so they have the full benefits of these books, and prepare them adequately into the world of mathematics.

    The Numeracy for KG 2 was carefully extracted from the KG Curriculum to help young learners have the requisite understanding of the basic concepts, and to enable them to move to the upper classes with ease. Besides, the language has been kept brief in both the rubrics, headings and explanation of concepts to enable the young learners to read after a little guide by teacher. The books have been divided into 7 strands, namely:

    1. Number: Counting, Representation and Cardinality
    2. Number Operations: Addition and Subtraction
    3. Patterns and Relationships
    4. Geometry
    5. Measurement
    6. Motion or Position
    7. Handling Data

    Each of the Strands (Topics) has been expanded with enough exercises to help the learner grasp the concepts. The books are activity-based and learners have the opportunity to express themselves as they learn. Group work has also been given to enable learners work in groups while learning about teamwork and communication, and collaboration.

    What makes the series easy to use, fun and exciting is the design of the book with some beautiful toys that excite the learners at this level. The books breathe enough to keep learners very active while using them. By the time learners are through with the series, they will be well-equipped with the core competencies as explained in this new standards-based curriculum.

    Learners, teachers and parents will find the series very interesting to use.

  • My Critical Thinking Activity Book (Ages: 8 – 12)

    Age Range: 8 to 12 years

    This book is full of fun critical thinking activities that will keep young minds engaged and allow the child to strengthen their problem-solving skills. The activities will call for the children to observe, analyse, identify, reason, evaluate and make decisions.

    Children will be encouraged to think outside the box. The activities have been carefully formulated to enhance lateral thinking and improve cognitive abilities.

    It is a needed book for every child.

  • My Picture Activity Book: For Pre-School (New Edition)

    Age Range: 2-4 years

    My Picture Activity Book is filled with fun activities which include spot-the-difference, story time, mazes, dot-to-dot, spelling, etc. the child will discover new and exciting ways to learn and play with different awesome activities.

    This book provides an easy and engaging way to get children excited about practising letters, numbers, colours, shapes and more.

  • My Writing Book for Pre-School (Beginners)

    Age Range: 2-4 years

    My Writing Book for Pre-School (Beginners) has been specially designed to aid proper childhood writing development at an early age, and gives the child an opportunity to explore their creative side. Activities in this book help develop the child’s hand-eye coordination and improve concentration whiles writing.

    This book is filled with fun activities that are geared towards making the young child enjoy writing with confidence and precision.

  • Twi Kasa Mmara: A Twi Grammar

    A classic. First published in 1938

    CHRISTALLER’S Twi Grammar has long been out of print. Teachers and students of the language have always felt the need of a Grammar written in Twi, and this book is an attempt to supply that need. Much of the material in this book has been based on the works of H. N. Riis and J. G. Christaller.

    The introduction deals with the structure of the language and phonetics. The book is then divided into four parts; the first is a general introduction to the parts of speech, the second and third are more detailed study, and the fourth contains syntax. There are a number of appendices dealing with the classification of nouns, paradigms, punctuation, and specimen analyses. Some exercises have been included at the end of some topics to reinforce what has been discussed.

    The book is published with the approval of the Education Department and it is meant to be used as a teacher’s handbook in Twi-speaking Primary schools, Junior Schools and as a pupil’s book in Senior High Schools, Training Colleges and Secondary Schools.

  • Stevebrob: Shapes and Colours – Nursery 1

    Age Range: 1 – 3 years

    In Shapes and Colours, your child will practice fine motor skills, though basic handwriting strokes. The child will identify, trace and draw essential shapes. Your child will also be able to identify essential colours. Included are other fun shapes and colour activities.


  • Stevebrob: Writing Skills Book 1

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Stevebrob Literacy Writing Skills Book 1  meets the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA).

  • Stevebrob: Writing Skills Book 2

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Stevebrob Writing Skills Book 2 meets the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA).

  • Peppa Pig: The Family Computer (Read It Yourself with Ladybird, Level 1, Hardcover)

    Age Range: 2 – 5  years

    Brand new titles for 2016 from the best-selling Read it yourself with Ladybird

    Mummy Pig is working at home on the family computer but Peppa and George want to play ‘Happy Mrs Chicken’. Can Daddy Pig come to the rescue and fix the frozen computer?

    For over thirty-five years, the best-selling Read it yourself with Ladybird has helped children learn to read.

    All stories feature essential key words. Story-specific words are repeated to practise throughout.

    Designed to be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school.

    All titles include comprehension puzzles, guidance notes and book band information for schools.

    This Level 1 title is suitable for very early readers who are ready to take their first steps in reading real stories. Each simple story uses a small number of frequently repeated words.

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