• Trinity High: Back to School (Trinity High Vol 2)

    Back to School, the sequel to Trinity High: Students in Crime, is full of adventure, mischief and fun. It captures the last two terms of the Form One experience for Naa Atswei and her friends. Together, the girls figure out how to beat the system and survive in the jungle. Whether they willingly chase some adventures or are drawn in unintentionally. The girls do what they alone do best: they keep readers at the edge of their seats!

  • Adventures of Elizabeth Sam

    How does Elizabeth Araba Sam, an ordinary 12 year-old find herself in the US helping to deflate someone’s car tyres while holidaying there? Find out how Elizabeth and her brothers, Albert and Benjamin, and their friends manage to get into various adventures including a clandestine mango-picking expedition, a fearsome encounter with a neighbour’s dog and Albert’s first driving experience, despite having very strict parents. Read about the friendship with Andrea, her American pen pal, and how their friendship changes the lives of both families in unexpected ways.

  • Junior Picture Encyclopedia

    Suitable for children 7 years and above. With great illustrations.

  • La Famille Ntow

    A well-known French reader for JHS and SHS. First published in 1992, it is in its 26th year of educating Ghanaian students.

    This reader has authoritative approval of the Textbooks Committee of Ghana Education Service since 1993 and is recommended for use by Junior and Senior High Schools. Even in primary schools where French is studied seriously, children of P6 find La Famille Ntow very useful since it teaches them everyday sentences.

    La Famille Ntow is full of everyday language in a familiar Ghanaian context. The most common verbs have been conjugated in the major tenses and there are useful exercises with answers, besides a rich vocabulary which gets one to speak good French in no time. For those who may have problems with sounds of French, there is a table to sort out your difficulties with or without a teacher.

    La Famille Ntow

  • Ethnomusicology and African Music: Modes of inquiry and interpretation Vol 1

    The volume in hand deals with modes of inquiry and interpretation broadly organised into sections on theory, and historical and creative studies. The section on theoretical issues comprises papers on: the problem of meaning in African music; musicology and African music; the juncture of the social and the musical; integrating objectivity and experience in ethnomusicological studies; the aesthetic dimension in ethnomusicological studies; universal perspectives in ethnomusicology; and contextual strategies of inquiry and systematisation.

    The section on creative and historical topics covers the following: the history of music in African culture; history and the organization of music in West Africa; historical evidence in Ga religious music; processes of differentiation and interdependency in African music; African musical roots in the Americas; and developing contemporary idioms out of traditional music.

  • A Saint in Brown Sandals

    Age Range: 8 and 11 years

    Eleven-year old Rabi thinks it would be wonderful to be like her classmate Maybelline – rich, pretty and popular with everyone in school. As her school’s big event on television draws closer, Rabi realises she has only one chance to be a star. Where she will shine best? Will it be if she follows in Maybelline’s dainty footsteps? Or will it be if she dares to run along as herself?

  • The Twelfth Heart

    When Mercy came to her new school near Accra, she knew exactly the sort of friends she wanted to make: certainly no-one who reminded her of the small town she had left behind – poor, ugly and dull. She did not realise that true friendship comes from the heart, and that the least likely of the twelve girls in her dormitory would come to mean the most to them all.

    Anyone who has been to a boarding school will identify with the characters in the story until its poignant end.

  • Folktale Book Set (5 books)

    Including one comic.

    A client remarked: “Can you believe my girl had never heard of these Ananse stories before [reading the set I bought from you?]”

    Don’t let your children miss this important Ghanaian heritage.

    Books in this set (5 books – may vary due to availability of titles)

    Ananse and the Sticky Gum (comic)

    Ananse’s Justice

    Why The Dog Has a Hollow Stomach

    Ananse and the Pot of Wisdom

    The Contest and Other Spiderman Tales

    Folktale Book Set (5 books)

  • My Yadah – Flavours of 50 – Ace Anan Ankomah

    Ace writes music and plays several instruments but calls himself “just a sporadic songwriter and music hobbyist.” He is an Associate of the pioneering, contemporary gospel music group, Joyful Way Inc. and served as its Director of Music & Productions for several years, having a hand in every album produced by the group since 1991.

    Flavours of 50: My Yadah is his first music album.

  • Unfinished Journey: The Life and Times of VCRAC Crabbe

    Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene, says this about the book:

    “The Life of Justice Crabbe has surely not been all rosy. He has suffered painfully from people who envied and misunderstood him. But through it all, he came out better, fearless and incurably optimistic. We learn from some of his painful experiences recounted in this book that misfortune is only a missed-fortune. We should always believe as individuals and as a nation that the best is yet to come! Clearly, part of his secret for aging so gracefully is being content with the lot that life grants him and not to carry any negative emotions in his body.”

  • Your Journey to the Top

    Richard Kwarteng Ahenkorah is a corporate trainer: a coach and a speaker with passion for strategy, governance and a commitment for developing the next generation. Richard has been engaged in several youth programmes and platforms addressing central issues distressing potential leaders in their workplaces and how to share their careers.

    The main element of his message is the growth of employee’s potential towards the transformation of self and the preparation for leadership development and higher assignments. Richard always believes that the workplace in particular and the world in general present a lot of opportunities but people are not ready to go through the process. His messages bring hope and a new angle to learning.


  • The Dorm Challenge

    Age Range: 9 years and above

    One bad friend and one desperate friend.

    Mercy could change their lives.

    The problem is she doesn’t know it.

    Mercy isn’t going to embarrass herself by speaking in a school competition just so her House can win the Dorm Cup.

    No way!

    There are better things she could do− like hanging out with her ultra-cool buddy Perry.

    But when she is thrust into the Dorm Challenge she discovers that the prize for speaking up is more precious than a trophy. And the prize for listening properly can mean more than anything in the world.

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