• Counsels from the HillTop

    The statement, “What they don’t teach at Harvard Business School,” has been so used to describe and enhance most life learning experiences that it has almost become a cliché, but this book does, indeed, delve into areas that the most prestigious of universities would not open to you.
    From daily vitamins in minute doses, with biblical coatings in all walks of life like finances, walking, reading, singing, the Author seeks to reproduce more Solomons of our time and the future.
    This book deals with aspects of life that affect every single soul, regardless of social condition, gender, race, colour, nationality or religion.

  • Conversations from the HillTop

    Conversations from the HillTop sets out to educate, guide, advise and encourage both the young and the not so young, about getting wisdom and understanding, using real life experiences and lessons. All things are possible if we set our minds to it.

    The Author gives very useful points aimed at imbibing discipline, perseverance, a sense of destiny and the fear of God into positively impacting others and our communities. This book is a blueprint for success in all facets of life.
    The simplicity of language used makes reading very interesting while giving the reader that sense of belonging.

  • Timeless Wisdom from the HillTop

    In this fascinating book, the author shares with the reader nuggets for daily living which will enrich the reader and leave him or her wiser. You may not be able to conquer the world but you may apply these nuggets to conquer challenges one day at a time.
    Nothing in this book is shallow.

    Every story shared is real and the Author’s style of writing brings the experiences close to his readers. The book teaches us to take advantage of all situations be they good or bad. This is a radically personal, honestly engaging and spiritually illuminating book.

  • Living with Purpose – HillTop Perspectives

    This book provides strategies for letting go of unfavourable self-perceptions in order to live a life with purpose. It will force you to ask yourself serious questions that go to the core of your being.

    It brings to the fore the essence of purposeful living and draws attention to all stages of life for any person who desires to have a fulfilling life.

    Living with Purpose is a breath of fresh air blowing from the author’s perch on the hill. He encourages the reader that living a meaningful life is possible, but only when you know your purpose in life.

  • Essential Montessori Phonics – Nursery 2 (Sound and Read Series)

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years.

    Essential Montessori Phonics (Sound and Read Series) are workbooks designed with innovative ideas that have been outlined to help your young children practice and master writing and reading.

    By writing each day, children will become more aware of their thoughts and feelings while also developing their skills of articulation and expression. These books are the perfect way to help young children to further their language skills since they also learn to read.

    Writing is also the framework of our communication. We are encountered with writing every day of our lives.

    This is why the books have been designed to engage your children practice writing and reading at the same time in order to assist them become effective communicators.

    Despite the increased use of computers for writing, the skill of handwriting remains important in education, employment and in everyday life. Without fast and readable handwriting, students may miss out on learning opportunities and under-achieve academically.

    Essential Montessori prepares the child to progress to the National Primary Curriculum as well as the Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge Curriculum.

  • Essential Montessori Phonics – Nursery 1 (Sound and Read Series)

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years.

    Essential Montessori Phonics (Sound and Read Series) are workbooks designed with innovative ideas that have been outlined to help your young children practice and master writing and reading.

    By writing each day, children will become more aware of their thoughts and feelings while also developing their skills of articulation and expression. These books are the perfect way to help young children to further their language skills since they also learn to read.

    Writing is also the framework of our communication. We are encountered with writing every day of our lives.

    This is why the books have been designed to engage your children practice writing and reading at the same time in order to assist them become effective communicators.

    Despite the increased use of computers for writing, the skill of handwriting remains important in education, employment and in everyday life. Without fast and readable handwriting, students may miss out on learning opportunities and under-achieve academically.

    Essential Montessori prepares the child to progress to the National Primary Curriculum as well as the Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge Curriculum.

  • Project Pinkaso (SDG Changemakers Series)

    Age Range: 4 – 7 years

    When the school principal observes that too many children are going hungry in his school, he asks Miss Yahaya, a teacher of agriculture and farmer, to oversee a school farm project alongside three resourceful school children, Ayiwa, Roro and Rafiq. The farm project is a joint-enterprise involving teachers, pupils and parents – the key stakeholders in a child’s education.

    This is a fun and endearing story that promotes a practical approach to the study of agriculture and the establishment of school farms where nutritious foods can be grown to help reduce hunger in schoolchildren. The story additionally highlights the school farm as an opportunity for creating jobs and income generation for members of the community in which the schools are located.

    With great illustrations and a quiz at the end of book.

  • The Digital Mindset: What It Really Takes to Thrive in the Age of Data, Algorithms, and AI (Hardcover)

    The pressure to “be digital” has never been greater, but you can meet the challenge.

    The digital revolution is here, changing how work gets done, how industries are structured, and how people from all walks of life work, behave, and relate to each other. To thrive in a world driven by data and powered by algorithms, we must learn to see, think, and act in new ways. We need to develop a digital mindset.

    But what does that mean? Some fear it means that we all need to become technologists who master the intricacies of coding, algorithms, AI, machine learning, robotics, and who-knows-what’s-next.

    That’s not the case. You can develop a digital mindset, and this book shows you how. It introduces three approaches—Collaboration, Computation, and Change—and the perspectives and actions within each approach that will enable you to develop the digital skills you need. With a digital mindset, you’ll ask the right questions, make smart decisions, and appreciate new possibilities for a digital future. Leaders who adopt these approaches will be able to develop their organization’s talent and prepare their company for successful and continued digital transformation.

    Award-winning researchers and professors Paul Leonardi and Tsedal Neeley will show you how to do it and let you in on the surprising and welcome secret: developing a digital mindset isn’t as hard as you think. Most people can become digitally savvy if they follow the “30 percent rule”—the minimum threshold that gives us enough digital literacy to understand and take advantage of the digital threads woven into the fabric of our world.

    A digital mindset will future-proof you, your career, and your organization. Learn how to develop one here.

  • The Quest for Nuclear Power in Ghana

    The authors have detailed a comprehensive history of GAEC, its mission and its impact so far on the peaceful applications of nuclear techniques in Ghana. The book has also attempted to explain reactor engineering in layman’s language, such that the average reader could comprehend how a nuclear reactor works – the structure and functions of the various buildings comprising a reactor, the controls, the fuel assemblies, and how the reactor goes critical for power to be produced and harnessed in the form of steam that is used to turn turbines to produce electricity.

    The book also discusses issues of nuclear reactor safety, management, and the eventual safe return of spent nuclear fuel and waste generated to the supplier country. Most importantly, the authors have described a new reactor concept – the Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). SMRs have greater simplicity of design, economy of series production largely in factories, short construction times, and reduced siting costs. SMRs are proliferation resistant, affordable, mobile, may be built independently or as modules in a larger complex, with capacity added incrementally as more financing is secured. Furthermore, they can be designed to be placed below ground level, giving high resistance to terrorist threats.

    The authors are thus recommending these modern nuclear power plants for consideration by Ghana and other African countries. Hence, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s vision of utilising nuclear power in our energy mix to consolidate our industrial take-off will finally be realised.

  • Contemporary Issues in Ageing in Ghana: A Multidisciplinary Approach

    The rise in population of the aged (also known as elderly, older persons, old adults, senior citizens) across the universe has become a global concern given the associated demographic, social and economic implications for the well-being of the aged. This increase has implications for future generations as well as the social and economic development of the country.

    This book, being the first from the Centre for Ageing Studies at the University of Ghana advocates for the study of ageing in many facets from health, science, and socioeconomic perspectives.

    It is our hope that the book provokes dialogue and serves as the beginning of many more avenues for academic discourse to embrace diverse views and science as the way forward. At the very least, this should motivate others to focus on ageing issues than ever before.

    Given the numerous challenges associated with ageing and the neglect of the welfare of the aged in Ghana, it is imperative that we pay attention to the plight of the elderly in our African societies. There is an argument to extend ageing issues to the larger population. It is hoped that Ghana would once again be the beacon of hope for research in ageing in sub–Saharan Africa with the Centre for Ageing Studies at the University of Ghana leading the way.

  • Conversations About Race: Humanity Chats

    This book is for all of us.
    Introductory yet meaningful, civil, and non-political conversations about our humanity.

    Conversations about Race is a follow-up to the race-related conversations on the Humanity Chats podcast.
    May these conversations help us broaden our lens.

    The Human Oath

    We are humans
    Descendants of one species
    Connected in ways we cannot comprehend

    We are humans
    From all around the world
    One kind only
    And that is humankind

    – The Shimmigrant, 2019

  • Trinity High: Big Changes (Trinity High Vol 4)

    Big Changes at Trinity High is the fourth novel in the Trinity High series.

    Trinity High School is undergoing changes that are both challenging and heartbreaking. Naa Atswei, now a form three girl, no longer has to worry about the seniors – she is now one of them. What she and her mates do not know is that, in a strange twist of fate, they now have to worry about the juniors! These new ninos are not only atypical, but are united with one resolve – wage war on all seniors!

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