• Revealed! The Storm is Over

    If you feel entrapped in the wilderness of being abused as a child, the loss of a loved one, and have reached the end of the road in your abusive marriage, and you cannot find the words to speak your truth boldly or how to find the peace you yearn for, this book is for you.

    The book chronicles the author’s experiences to help parents discover how children go through the trauma of sexual abuse, and to overcome it. The book also talks about marital abuse and divorce, how to identify the traits, when to walk out when necessary, and the loss of a loved one and how the grief can be handled. Note that your greatest gift lies next to your deepest wound.

  • The Military, My Life: 43 Years – 5 Months – 25 Days: Autobiography

    The Military, My Life: 43 Years – 5 Months – 25 Days: Autobiography is General Frimpong’s fifth book.

    Starting from his primary school days across Ghana, his secondary education and enlistment into the Ghana Armed Forces in 1970, he discusses his long career in the military, community service, diplomatic life, incursions into academia, retirement in 2014 after over forty-three years’ service, and life after retirement.

    He also discusses his sojourns in Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Canada and the USA.

    Maj Don-Chebe states in the Foreword:

    “For the officers who have schooled peacefully and smoothly in the Ghana Armed Forces, spare a thought for officers like Brig Gen Dan Frimpong, who blazed the trail and suffered all kinds of indignities to his person and unholy twists in his career path. His numerous runs-in with the Military High Command is a subject that should inform commanders at various levels that, a knowledge-based and future-focused Armed Forces needs a certain kind of officer hungry for knowledge and determined to compete with the best inside and outside.

    “The autobiography of Brig Gen Dan Frimpong should give hope and confidence to young persons, inside and outside the Military to continue to pursue their dreams and aspirations. Any setback can only be temporary; persistence, perseverance, determination and grit should drive you forward.”

  • I Love You Adjoa: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.

  • I Love You Afua: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Akua: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Abena: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Kofi: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Kwesi: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Esi: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Yaw: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 4 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Yaa: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 4 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Kojo: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 4 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Kwabena: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 4 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Kweku: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 4 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • Red Oak Heroes Series: Kofi Annan

    *Available from 15 August 2023

    Age Range: 10 – 14 years

    From the day Awo, a seven-year-old primary two girl, first hears about Mr. Kofi Annan, the former United Nations Secretary-General, she becomes so fascinated by his great achievements that she vows to become like him.
    With the help of everyone she comes across, her Uncle, Mr. Thompson especially, Awo learns as much as she can about her role model. Her curious questions often jog the memories of those who answer them, causing them to remember even the least things they know about the first black African to occupy the United Nation Secretary-General position. Having secured her mother’s promise to take her along to visit Mr. Annan the next time he is in the country, Awo’s only prayer is for that day to come quickly. But will Awo’s dream ever come to pass?

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