• Le Village des Animaux (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    “Quelles grandes leçons Nelda LaTeef enseigne aux jeunes et ceux d’entre nous qui ne sont pas si jeunes dans son livre, Le Village des Animaux. Écouter les vieilles histoires transmises des ancêtres; il est toujours mieux de rester ensemble que de se monter les uns contre les autres; Concentrez-vous sur une tâche jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit accomplie et tout est possible, peu à peu.” − Johnnetta Betsch Cole, Directrice: Smithsonian National Musuem of African Art  

    “Le Village des Animaux est une histoire inspirante qui nous enseigne la persévérance et la valeur du travail d’équipe. L’histoire du livre, Le Village des Animaux est la réflexion de ce qui se passe dans notre village global.” − Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissaire Européen au Commerce et aux Relations Extérieures Chef du Protocole des Nations Unies

  • An Ethnographic Study of Northern Ghanaian Conflicts: Towards a Sustainable Peace

    Conflict in Northern Ghana appears to be increasing in amplitude and frequency and its effects are getting more devastating. It is the view of this book that The Government of Ghana and civil society organisations involved in aspects of conflict management have approached peace issues in the region with an inadequate understanding of the local issues that divide and unite the people, or using sufficient resources to preempt conflict.

    In 2003 The Mole V summit was held in Damongo to discuss strategic directions for comprehensive development and poverty reduction in Northern Ghana as a mechanism for supporting conflict management.

    It is the aim of this publication to contribute to the proposed plan by suggesting past and current conflict management resources and mechanisms which could be employed. The suggestions are informed by surveys, which are outlined in the book, of particular conflicts in the three northern Regions of Ghana between 2006 and 2008 – their histories, causes and efforts and their resolution.

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