Baraka Akom, better known under her nom de plume ZoeBaraka, is a trained journalist, filmmaker, Motivational Speaker and Storyteller who has worked on some award-winning documentaries and television series, both in Ghana and the United States of America. Her passion is curating personal African stories. She is fascinated by the “invisible hand” that plots the trajectory of destinies and believes that Africans tell and listen to stories innately because our stories connect us. She is the host of the acclaimed weekly show “To My Younger Self” where guests from all over Africa are asked to share personal stories and speak to their Younger Selves. ZoeBaraka lives in the United States at the time of writing, but bitten by the bug of an insatiable wanderlust, you never know where her meraki will lead.

  • Letters of Hope To My Younger Self

    A legacy project, Letters of Hope to My Younger Self is a compilation of testimonials and inspirational stories from notable Ghanaians across the globe. They too, experienced failure, fears, discouragement, and missteps. Knowing what they have been able to overcome and then go on to achieve in life, tells us that we too, have the power to break through our challenges and achieve higher heights.

    Throughout the book, readers will learn about the challenges and lessons that have impacted individuals across generations.


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