Princess Umul Hatiyya Ibrahim Mahama is an Adventurer, Author and Entrepreneur. Her sole aim is to inspire change and raise revolutionary leaders. Princess is a sought-after teacher and speaker who engages business leaders, corporate organisations and institutions both locally and globally.
A speaker at TEDx Accra in 2016, Princess gave a provocative and praised talk titled ‘Is Africa Truly Rising?’ Princess has been interviewed on radio, TV and various online platforms in Ghana, Nigeria, Malawi as well as on the BBC.
Currently visiting every country in the world, Princess has been to seventy three countries on five continents. Out of the lot, thirty one of them are in Accra.
She is the author of two bestselling books A DINNER WITH THE MAD DUCK and THE MAD DUCK: How to Live Your Best Life.
Princess is married to Michael Apreko and they are parents to six indefatigable girls. When she is not on the road eating unusual foods, climbing mountains and spending time with total strangers, she can be found in Accra, Ghana, feeding her brood and blogging at