While living in the Republic of Niger, Nelda LaTeef traveled by Land Rover to the fabled city of Timbuktu. Her children’s picture book, The Hunter and the Ebony Tree, received the Storytelling World Honor Award. It was translated into Italian, Korean, and Gaelic; and the illustrations showcased at the Society of Illustrators in New York and the McLean Project for the Arts.

LaTeef studied at Harvard University and her book, Working Women for the 21st Century: Fifty Women Reveal Their Pathways to Success, was selected as recommended reading for young adults by The New York Public Library. She lives with her family in Virginia.

  • Animal Village (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    Animal Village is an authentic folk tale from the Zarma culture of West Africa about a tortoise who saves her village from the ravages of drought with wisdom passed down from an “old story.” Nelda LaTeef’s colorful and strikingly brilliant montage of illustrations, in acrylic and collage, captures the richness and vibrancy of the sub-Saharan culture from which the story springs.

    The story is especially relevant to sub-Saharan Africa as it focuses on the devastation of drought and the importance of received knowledge. With its dual themes of wisdom and grit, the book happily entertains while it teaches the importance of hard work and persistence as keys to success.
  • Le Village des Animaux (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    “Quelles grandes leçons Nelda LaTeef enseigne aux jeunes et ceux d’entre nous qui ne sont pas si jeunes dans son livre, Le Village des Animaux. Écouter les vieilles histoires transmises des ancêtres; il est toujours mieux de rester ensemble que de se monter les uns contre les autres; Concentrez-vous sur une tâche jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit accomplie et tout est possible, peu à peu.” − Johnnetta Betsch Cole, Directrice: Smithsonian National Musuem of African Art  

    “Le Village des Animaux est une histoire inspirante qui nous enseigne la persévérance et la valeur du travail d’équipe. L’histoire du livre, Le Village des Animaux est la réflexion de ce qui se passe dans notre village global.” − Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissaire Européen au Commerce et aux Relations Extérieures Chef du Protocole des Nations Unies

  • The Talking Baobab Tree (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    A rabbit, lost in the desert and saved by a baobab tree, outwits a stronger, envious neighbor.

    “Guess what! The Baobab tree is saving the jewels for you! There they are, the pictures on every page (and the wisdom that comes with them).” — Dr Mary Catherine Bateson, Author and Cultural Anthropologist

    “A lovely folktale on the importance of wisdom, truth and keeping your word.” — Marie-Monique Steckel, President, French Institute Alliance Francaise, New York

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