Bishop Chris Quinston-Addo, a son of the prophet Dag Heward Mills has been in the ministry for over 2 decades.

He is by training a building technologist and a full time minister. He was the first missionary to be sent to Africa, precisely Uganda by Prophet Dag Heward-Mills.

He lived in Uganda for over 7 years. He has been involved in lecturing at the prestigious Anakagzo Bible Seminary.

He has traveled extensively and has been a blessing to many churches. He is currently the Resident Bishop of the Captain Of Salvation Cathedral, Anakagzo Assemblies which is part of the UD-OLGC.
Bishop Chris Quinston-Addo is blessed with a beautiful wife and three lovely children.

  • Reaching Your Expected End

    There is surely a future hope for you and your hope will not be cut off.

    Proverb 23:18 (indicate which Bible version)

    This is a well explained piece of content that looks at the causes of the downfall of man, how the evil one destroys mankind from getting to their desired destination and how man can be made whole again.

    In this book, Chris Quinston-Addo states how God has always had mankind on His heart even after the fall

     Reaching Your Expected End is good for everyone regardless of their background or religion




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